Chapter 1: New Vegas

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Mike gets to the Mojave then how goes to a New Vegas he heard about, he gets there and proceeds to enter the gates of Freeside, then New Vegas to see all of its glory. As soon as he walks in he notices Gomorrah. He shrugs it off and goes straight to The Tops. He walks in but has to keep his rifle at the door. After a few hours of gambling, Mike comes back and gets his rifle. He walks back down main street back to Freeside,  he looks for a guy named Mick but can't find him. "Hey, big guy whatcha looking for?" Questions a dancing lady. "Um, I'm looking for this Mick guy. Have you seen him?" Asks Mike. The lady points towards another part of town. Mike goes towards it as he is greeted by a greaser, he tries to walk past but he won't let him. "Hey pally, slow the flow, who ya lookin' for slick?" Mike quickly replies "a guy named Mick," the greaser calls out the name and a guy appears. "What do you need now John?" Asks Mick. "Okay, for one its Johnny, and two, this Bilbo wants you. Its some guy named Mike" replies the greaser with an attitude. Mick looks at Mike and then down to his Pip-Boy. "Ah yes you. You came for a repair right?" He quickly replies with a yes. "Want me to modify it to one of the two Pimp-Boy three billions?" Mike replies, "sure how many caps? About what, twe-" he gets cut off by Mick "its on the house"

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