14 || I'll Fix This, Dig, I Promise You

Start from the beginning

"Great," she murmured under her breath.

"Well, you were covered with your own vomit," he explained as he worked the spatula inside the pan, "I mean, it would've been a crime not to change you."

"Jesus," she muttered, "Was I really that noticeably drunk?"

"After you declared your undying love for me, I kinda assumed for myself."

"I did what?!," she shrieks, then burying her face in her hands in embarrassment, "I'm such an idiot. Did I really do that?"

"No," he laughs, "but you did tell me some other things."

He takes the last pancake out and places it on a plate, then sliding opposite her on the counter.

"Like what?," she raises an eyebrow in embarrassment.

"Just that you like me," he chews on a piece of his food, giving her an amused wink.

"God," she groaned, burying her face back in her hands.

"It's okay," he smiles, then leans across the counter the encircle her chin and make her look up at him, "It just made what I'm about to do, a hell of a lot easier."

Her mouth opened to inquire but it captured by his lips. She leaned forwards too, cupping his cheeks within her palms and drawing him towards her. If it wasn't for the barstool moving and him falling off, things would have escalated too fast too soon.

She giggled at him as he got up, flexing his body naturally. She eyed him up and down, biting her lips at the sight of his body.

"Like what you see?," he smirks.

"Whatever floats your boat, Flag," she gives him back the same annoying smirk.

"Well, I do like to see you in my clothes, they look good on you," a small smile tugs on his lips.

She looked down with flushed cheeks. Then a guilty thought hit her: June Moon was dead and she didn't even tell him.

"Flattery doesn't charge these batteries, Flag," she chuckled, nervously chewing on her bacon.

Rick let out a small laugh, then sitting back on the stool and finishing off his breakfast.

"I need a shower, can I use yours?," she inquired.

"Sure, through the bedroom and to the left," he pointed out.

"Oh, and um, my clothes?," she asked, shyly.

"I washed them, they're in the dryer to your right," he gestured to the machine beside him.

"Oh, right...," she nodded, scurrying over to the machine and gathering her stuff, "I need to go see Digger at the hospital, could you call a cab?"

"I'll drive you there," he insists.

"I couldn't ask for that, Flag," she rolled her eyes, "You practically babysat me the entire night."

"Don't worry yourself, Keller," he chuckles, "Now, go upstairs and shower, you smell like cow manure."

"Asshole," she rolled her eyes with a small smile as she skittered out of the kitchen and upstairs to the shower.

Rick was left there to think about everything. Okay, he had lied about one thing. He didn't really sleep on the couch, instead, and on her request, he had slept next to her the entire night. He loved every moment he could spend with her in his arms. He had completely forgotten about June, and maybe that was a good thing.

 He had completely forgotten about June, and maybe that was a good thing

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Sucker For Pain ⇒ SUICIDE SQUAD [RICK FLAG] [#1] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now