"You alright?" I could hear the confusion in his voice.

As the light turned green, the black Lamborghini turned into the parking lot I'm standing in. Oh, how wonderful!

"I'm not busy Friday." I spoke so quickly I wasn't even sure if he could understand me. "Just text me I'll-"

"Majesty!" His deep voice thundered as the car door slammed shut. I squeezed my eyes shut and mumbled shit under my breath. Jermaine kept the same confused look on his face as Alex approached us. Alex snatched me away from Jermaine with a mug on his face. Alex looked Jermaine up and down, but Jermaine has a good two inches on him. "The fuck are you? Why you talking to my girl bro?"

Jermaine put his hands up in surrender. "It wasn't like that my nigga. She a cool person to talk with."

Alex gazed down at me as he realized I was trying to free my arm of his grip. His low, red softened as he realized he was hurting me. Alex released his tight grip on my arm before diverting his eyes back to Jermaine.

"Go get in the car Maj."

"But I-"

He gave me a look that made me close my mouth just as fast as I opened it.

Stuffing my hands in my sweatshirt pocket, I hurried to his expensive car. My eyes strained as I kept my gaze set on the two tall males a few feet away. Their lips moved, but nothing else.

Alex still looked pretty upset, but Jermaine looked unbothered. His hands rested in his jean pockets as his eyes were fixed on Alex. Jermaine would occasionally glance over to the car, but I knew he couldn't see me because the windows are tinted. However, each time he did look my way Alex would say something that would make him look away.

Eventually, Alex and Jermaine walked away from each other. Alex's car door slammed as he started the car and recklessly pulled out of his parking spot.

"Can you please slow down?" I frowned as he went 85 mph on the highway.

"Mind telling me why you were talking to that boy?" He quickly looked at me before looking back at the road.

Pursing my lips, I chose not to reply. Instead I looked out of the window as he took an exit off of the highway. After a few more minutes of driving Alex pulled up at a clinic and put his car in park.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I glanced over at him. "Why are we here?"

"You're here to get rid of that thing." He ordered.


"Nah, you're getting this shit done." Alex snapped. "If you don't then we can't associate anymore."

Tears burned the brim of my eyes, but I refused to cry. I didn't want to cry in front of him and show how weak I am.

Unbuckling my seatbelt, I unlocked the doors but before I could get out Alex stopped me. His hand rested on my thigh before moving to my face.

"Come here baby." He held my face in place as he inched his closer to me. His soft lips moved on mine, making all the pain go away. Alex pecked my lips one last time before pulling away. "I love you Majesty."

A smile crept onto my face as those four words left his lips. A genuine smile spread across his face as I kissed him one last time. "I love you too Alexander."

Those four simple words is making this so much easier now. All I have to do is go in, get rid of this unwanted baby and come back.

"We can sniff some once we get back to my place."

I nodded my head and hurried out of his car. I practically ran inside the clinic's doors. After signing in I sat down, but not for long. My name was soon called and before I knew it I was in the room waiting for a doctor.

"Good evening Ms. Collins." She spoke while looking down at the clipboard with my paper on it. "I see you're here for an abortion, correct?"

"Yes ma'am." I gave a small nod.

She placed the clipboard on the table before sitting down in bed rolling chair. "Just go ahead and lay back, I just want to check everything and make sure you're okay." She explained. I lifted my shirt and shivered as the cold gel was placed on my flat stomach. "Are you considering the pills or a different alternative?"

"The pills."

She nodded and moved the probe around on my stomach. I refused to turn my head to look at the screen. As soon as my eyes land on it, I won't go through with it.

I have to go through with this. I need Alexander in my life.

"I'm not picking up a heartbeat.." She spoke quietly while keeping her eyes focused on the screen.

My heart beat quickened as I sat up slightly to look at the screen. She continued to move the probe around, but a loud heart beat didn't come through.

He doctor's eyes slowly met mine as a frown took over her lips.

"Shut the fuck up with that crying!" Alex shouted from the kitchen. "It's not that big of a deal!"

My teeth sunk in my quivering lip as I tried to hold back my tears. Alex entered the living room with a blunt between his lips. He took the spot next to me, keeping his eyes on mine.

"What're you crying for Majesty?"

"Princeton, our fucking baby died!" I shrieked with tears streaming down my face.

He took a puff of his blunt before letting out a huff. "The baby died, big deal. You were going to kill it anyway."

"You're right.." I took the cocaine laced weed as Alex handed it to me.

"I know." He chuckled and kisses my lips. "Love you Majesty."

"I love you too Alex."

He grinned and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me on top of him so I could straddle him. He took the blunt from me and put it out before carrying me upstairs.

• • •


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