Alone. Alone. Alone.

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Chapter: Alone. Alone. Alone.

"Goodnight moon

I'll close my eyes, okay, alright and say

Goodnight to the shadows on the wall

We're drifting through the empty streets with weightless feet

singing goodnight to the moon"~HeyHiHello

"I sat there in the corner of the bar. 


"I wasn't even old enough to drink. Not old enough to be in a bar. 

"But, somehow, I'd managed.

"I remember wanting to leave...."

I sniffled.

"But I couldn't bring myself to...

"I...I felt worthless...and didn't care what happened to me. 

"For all I cared, someone could come and...and.."

I stopped, wiping my eyes and shaking madly.

He put his hand on my shoulder and I couldn't take it.

I ran out of the couseler''s room, tears blurring my eyes.

I couldn't see anything or anyone, just a big blurr. 

I ended up running into a boy my age. I didn't know him, but he acted as if he did.

He held me and rubbed my back, soothing me with his voice as smooth as silk. 

When the couseler came out he told him he'd take me home.

Like he knew me.

He picked me up in his arms and took me outside where tiny raindrops were falling like little tears.

I tried glancing up into his eyes, but everything was still a blurr.

I smiled.

I saw a faint smile back.

For once in my life, I didn't feel totally alone. 

"Everything's going to be okay," he said.

I blacked out, my mind filling with his words and his blurry image.

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