The Lightning

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Mark P.O.V.
"Lex, What is it?" Mark said
"I just wanted to know how you are. You know. After the break up."
"Oh yeah. Its great. Julia and I got back together." Mark fibbed
"Yeah. What about you?"
"Oh-uh-I'm doing great.... I met someone here and he's really great. And my new hospital is really great. I fit in well I have a ton of friends." Lexie started to tear up as she lied, "Yeah its really great."
"Ar-Are you crying?"
Lexie had ran into her hotel room while still on the phone with Mark.
"Uh-no. No." Lexie said with a shaky voice.
"O-k I have t-to go."
"Wait, Lex!"
"I lied. I'm miserable."
"Yeah I can't do anything without thinking about you."
"Me neither." Lexie said as she let out a giggle, "Mark?"
"I still love you."
"I still love you too, Lex. How about you come home?"
"Yeah. I'll come home."
"Ok. So we are un-broken up?"
"Yeah. Un-broken up."


I'm too afraid to take a plane after the crash I have to take a car. I get in my car and start the ignition. My ride goes smoothly. That is until I was just outside of Seattle and a car submerged right into me just like lightning. And then there was darkness

I wake up in a hospital and people are all around me saying, "Ma'am what is your name?" repeatedly.
I muster all of my strength and say, "L-Lexie Grey."
They put me on a gurney and rush me into a trauma room. They load me up on morphine.
All the faces are blurry until I make out a familiar face, Owen Hunt.
"Hi, Lexie you are at Seattle Grace Hospital. You are going to be OK."
"I'm right here, Lex." Mark replied as he held my hand
I smiled.
Then there was darkness again.


"Lex? Lex!" he said
"Mark?" I asked
"I'm right here."
"What happened?"
"You got hit by a drunk driver. You just got out of surgery. Everything went fine. You're going to be ok."
"I'm ok?"
"You're ok."
"We're ok?"
"We're ok."
I looked outside of her hospital door and saw Meredith and Bailey walk in.
"You did excellent in surgery. We caught all of your internal bleeding and you had many minor fractures. You should be up on your feet in 3 weeks." Bailey said

When Bailey left it was just me and Mark again. I didn't know what to say to him, and he didn't know what to say to me.
"Hey Mark. Can you get me some food?"
"Yeah sure." He let go of my hand and walked out.

He say down and looked at me. It was so awkward. Then I realized it was going to be like the shooting all over again. He would think I'm psychotic and he won't trust me to drive ever again. But I'm not scared.
"Mark I think we should break up. For real this time," His expression changed into confusion, "I still have my job in New York. I could go back there."
"Why do you want to break up?"
"Because now you are going to watch me like a hawk and make sure I never touch a steering wheel again, and I can't have that. I love you but I'm starting to think we broke up for a reason. To avoid divorce. So I really think this time we should break up."
"Fine if that's what you really want. But just remember, you called me!" Mark bitterly walked out of the door and slammed it.
"doesn't he see! It will never work out between us! It never does!"
Meredith walked in and said, "What did you say to piss off Mark?"
"I broke up with him. For real now."
"But why?"
"We never work."
"So? You're in love! It'll work eventually."
"Maybe it won't! People can fall in and out of love!"
"When Derek and I first started we were on and off all the time. We eventually decided to stay and fight through the relationship and now we are the happiest couple in the whole freaking world!"
"I don't know, Mer."
"When Mark first came here he fell in love with Addison. And I saw how in love he was with her. But that was nothing compared to how in love he is with you. Just give him a chance!"
"I have and he had a daughter move in with him and he made another daughter with his lesbian bff!", I continue, "I just don't know if this is right anymore. I tried. I tried so hard but every time we try to date it ends up with a break up and then one of us moving in and the other confessing their love for the other!"

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