Part 1

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That morning I woke up to the sound of Aaro my brother's owl speeding through my bedroom window. He'd brought the post. I never usually received anything but today was an exception. There it was sitting in my lap. My letter. I had been accepted into Hogwarts, the finest school of Witchcraft and Wizardry there was. I knew what it would say, I had read my brother's when he got in but I opened it anyway out of excitement.

Dear Miss Lemaire,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Students shall be required to report to the Chamber of Reception upon arrival, the dates for which shall be duly advised.

Please ensure that the utmost attention be made to the list of requirements attached herewith.

We very much look forward to receiving you as part of the new generation of Hogwarts' heritage.

Yours Sincerely,

Professor McGonagall.

I left the list of requirements to read when paying a visit to Diagon Alley the following Saturday. I was elated that I, Willow Lemaire would finally be attending Hogwarts. I'd wanted this ever since I could remember and now it was finally happening. I wondered what house I'd be placed into. My siblings, strangely, were not in the same house. My eldest sister Heather, unsurprisingly, was in Gryffindor as were my parents. However, my brother Silus was a Slytherin. My grandfather was a Slytherin, he was killed by one of the unforgivable curses, in a fight against a man who was now in Azkaban. I felt like I didn't posses the right qualities to be placed in either Gryffindor or Slytherin but a handful of both, which made me very curious as to where I would go. Of course I could also be placed in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff but I presumed that would not happen.

I clambered out of bed and strolled down the stairs to present the letter to the rest of my family as we gathered for breakfast. My mother was over the moon when she saw it. Finally, she could be at peace knowing that all her children would attend Hogwarts.

"I reckon you'll be in Slytherin," Silus piped up. "Great house to be in, take my word for it." Maybe I was meant to be in Slytherin, only time would tell.


A week had passed and it was finally time for us to make our way to Diagon Alley. I needed to be fitted for my robes so we decided to do that first as it would probably take the longest. Upon entering the shop, Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, I noticed a boy, about the same height as me with black hair and striking green eyes. His hair was very untidy but I thought it was best not to judge as I didn't know him and for all I knew he could turn out out be a great wizard one day. Heather also needed knew robes as she had grown too big for her old ones so once we had done being measured and fitted, we payed and exited back onto the cobbled street.

The one thing I was most excited to purchase was my wand. Generally, most witches and wizards purchased a new wand when starting out at Hogwarts but there were a few who just simply didn't have the money to and therefore had to have one previously owned by a family member or somebody who they knew that no longer needed it. This wasn't really the best thing to do as technically speaking the wand chooses the wizard but I understood that it was not their fault. No longer than a minute later, we had arrived. The sign read  'Ollivander's: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 BC.' just as I had remembered it from previous occasions. I took a deep breath and stepped inside. It was wonderful. So many wands and one of them would be mine in a matter of minutes. I eagerly strolled up to the counter as I was greeted with a smile from Garrick Ollivander himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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