Where the broken hearts lie

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Can you hear them weeping?

Deep down buried under



and Futures that will never be.

Can you see them bleeding?

Cuts so deep,

dark liquid running down,

just as bitter sweet

as the memories they once held.

Can you hear their beating?

Boom, boom, boom

the warmth is gone

boom, boom

left behind, alone


It's getting fewer.

Here is where the broken hearts lie.

Where they are left with destroyed hopes and dreams,

where they are left with futures that will never arrive.

Where they are left behind with no traces of love.

Here is where the broken hearts lie.

Where they are alone in the dark,

alone in the cold.

Where they are left behind with no traces of trust or care.

Here is where the broken hearts lie.

Bound to be alone forever.

With no one ever to return.

Here is where the broken hearts lie.

Waiting for you to return.

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