One word for you

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This is for you Shane, just like I promised :-)

One word that means everything,

but is nothing at all.

Sensed and felt

But not to touch nor to see.

One word that rules this whole world

but is nowhere.

Ambush, greed, war, hate...



But still

That one word.

That one word, it means the greatest joy.

And the greatest pain.

Joy and pain


in one word,

one sensation.

One world,

full of hatred,

full of anger,

full of war,

full of pain,

filled with death.

But still

That one word.


One word, everywhere.

The enemy of hate.

The sister of anger.

Hidden in war.

Mother of pain.

And conqueror of death.

One word

For you,

for me,

for the world.


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