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Blue eyes

Burnt into my memory, 

destined to stay there forever.

Eyes that won't ever open again.

I miss them.

I miss you.

Pure joy

Visible in the way you laughed. 

A laugh that has faded away forever.

I miss it.

I miss you.

Trust and concern

clearly heard in your voice.

A voice that's still in my mind.

Just not out there in this world anymore.

I miss it. 

I miss you.

A heart

So pure and kind

Shown in your actions.

Acts of love that the world will never see again.

I miss them.

I miss you.

But as long as I can see your eyes,

as long as I remember your laugh,

as long as I can hear your voice, 

and as long as I feel your love,

I'm alright.

You're here with me.


"There's a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in."

This poem is dedicated to my dear friend J. who has also been the inspiration for "Letters to our past". You were, and still are, a great inspiration to many and for me, this will never change. 

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