2 - Rumors

999 38 32

You at school?

Hux wanted to chuck his phone into the nearest trash can. The constant texts from Ren were killing him. The ginger saw him in the courtyard of the high school standing under the big oak tree up on the hill. For a sophomore he was super immature but yet for some reason he still dealt with him. 

"Yeah Ren I'm here..." He said and watch the raven turn around and horror slowly take over his face and Hux knew what he was looking at, his eyes flicked to the ground.

"Hux!? What the fuck happened!?" Ren tilted Armitages head up and looked at his busted lip and the bruises on his throat and cheek. "Who did this??!" 

"Would you just shut up..I got into a fight this morning." He lied and hoped Ren was as stupid as everyone else and buy it. 

"Nuh-uh. You are lying. If you got into a fight this morning your lip would still be bleeding." Kylo said and ran his thumb over Hux's bottom lip. "See? Even if you did manage to stop the bleeding early on if you touched it, it would start bleeding again..and your cheek, it would be red.." Ren caressed Hux's cheek gently and watched him unconsciously lean into his touch and he saw sadness flash across his face and then anger.

"What are you, a doctor!" Hux pushed Kylo back. "Don't touch me!" 

"You're going to tell me what happened later.." Kylo said and walked away when the bell rang for first period.

Hux saw hide nor hair of Ren all day but Hux called his dad after school for permission to go over to Kylo's house. Hux stood outside near Kylo's car with the phone up to his ear.

"What do you want kid?" Brendol grumbled.

Hux smiled, his father was in a good mood seeming as how he referred to him as his child at least he hoped that's what he meant.

"I wanted to know if I could go over to one of my friends house." He said only to be met with laughter.

"You have friends? What a surprise." There was no sarcasm in his fathers voice. He meant it.

"Y-Yes father..I do...can I please–"

"Yes fine! Jesus! Just leave me alone, damn!" 

Hux winced and Kylo watched, he wanted to pull the ginger into a hug, he looked different when he talked to his father, almost like a kicked puppy...a pet. It was heartbreaking. He watched Hux end the call and walk back over to him. "Let's get outta here.." 

Kylo got into the car and started it and looked at Hux who climbed into the passengers seat Ren saw a million emotions flash across Hux's face before it went as blank as a empty canvas, but Hux's mind was full of pleas for help that he would never say 'Pl-please help m-me...fuck..I-I can't do it anymore..I can't..I can't, I can't, I can't..' He looked out the window not speaking in fear of his voice betraying him.

"Armitage, you can't live like this..you need to tell the SRO.."

Hux felt panic kickstart him. It's been this way for twelve years, since he was five. If he told anyone or even dropped the slightest hint about his abuse his father told him he would kill him. "What are you talking about.." He said quietly and Ren pulled out of the parkinglot. 

"the person who keeps beating you up..it's going to kill you one day.." 

Hux laughed in response and shook his head. "Then they should get to the point already."

Ren sighed and sped off to the mall.

"Wh—..Ren where are we going? You gave me your address its the other way!..." Hux took out his phone and looked at it. 

"The mall, duh. You don't expect me to take you directly to my house, do you like Starbucks?" 

Hux looked panicked. "Kylo! We can't go there! I'm not allowed to go to the mall when my Father is not around!" 

"Your dad will never never know."

"He tracks me though! See!?" Hux pulled up an app and it had a map and on the road they were on there was a blipping blue dot. "I-I can't go anywhere without his permission..please, let's just go to your house..." Hux said and Ren sighed and made a U-turn.

"Your dads a freak..what else does he restrict you on?"

"Relationships...leaving the house, who I call and text, he snoops through my backpack..." Hux said while picking at his pants. "It's a stressful life..if I get a B in a class I lose everything.."

Ren shook his head. "I'm getting you something to eat..I'll drop you off at my place and I'll go out and get you something."

Hux smiled and nodded. "That would be nice thanks."

Ren dropped Hux off and sped back out to grab something for them both to eat. Hux looked around the small dingy house. It was an absolute mess, dishes were piled up and there was clothes and trash everywhere. Hux started to pick everything up and he found a vacuum cleaner stuffed in the closet. The house looked half way decent when Kylo returned.

"Hey I got Arby's! An-...my house! It looks freakin great!"  

Hux smiled at him and grabbed two sandwiches and an thing of fries and gobbled them down and Kylo just stood by and watched. "Have you...have you ever had a girlfriend before?" 

Hux shook his head and continued to scarf the fries down and grabbed a Dr Pepper and drank as much as he could.

"Boyfriend?" Ren asked, he was testing him, he needed to know if he was at least bi.

"No..but I don't mind men if that was the information you were looking for." He said through mouthfuls of food.

"Cool, neither do I." Ren said and spun off talking about old girlfriends and boyfriends while Hux stood there not saying a word, just nodding his head, not knowing what to say, he's never even said I love you to someone, he's never even had a hug.

"Hux?...you got quiet..are you okay?"

"Yeah..yeah I've just...I've never done any of that stuff...I'm still a virgin..hell I've never even held anyone's hand before!" Hux sounded frustrated.

"Woah, woah it's alright..I'm sorry. I should've know.."

Hux frowned taking offense in Kylo's words. "Should've known!? Don't be an asshole!"

Kylo was confused and then he got angry. "No! Shut up you idiot, that's not what I meant!" 

Hux's mouth shut immediately, he watched Ren throw stuff around in anger and He pointed at Hux. "Y'know I try to be nice to you cause you're classified as the weird kid at school! Always getting beat up by someone, everyone always thinks you're going to pull a gun out of your backpack one of these days!" Ren shouted and raised his hand angrily to punch him and Hux stumbled back away from Kylo, he bit his lip and shielded himself from the hit but it never came. Kylo stood there frozen when he realized what he said. "Oh god...oh Hux I am so, so sorry..I didn't mean it  I swear I'm so, so sorry." Kylo tried to approach him but Hux stumbled back again and tried to wipe away his tears, Kylo couldn't believe he got sent over the edge of rage just by accidentally insulting Hux.

"I-I wanna go h-home.." Hux whimpered and opened the door and rushed out.

Kylo sighed and looked around not knowing what to do, when his eyes landed on Hux's phone which was buzzing willy-nilly, Kylo picked it up and looked at it.


Where the hell are you.




Ren hear wheels screeching outside and a frightened scream that was undoubtedly Hux's, he ran outside to see a car speeding away and Hux nowhere to be seen. 

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