chapter 14

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Kate POV

I am happy that my Babe one is match and I did my first as well now we are head to hotel and I don't what he .as planned all I know is that my Babe as something up his sleeve planned for us tonight in a good way

Kate - baby can you give me a hint to what you got planned for us tonight

Zayn - no I wanted to be something very special for the both of us even though we haven't been dating too long but I know that you're the one I want to make sure you know how much I love you and keep you safe for the rest of my life if I can

Kate - baby I love you so much and yes I am definitely staying with you for the rest of my life I can as well because if it wasn't for you I don't know where I'd be

And as soon as I had said that we arrive to the hotel he told me that he wanted to do something very special tonight just the two of us so he said he planned a romantic dinner and everything and I thought this was sweet he said he didn't want to be out in public because where he is famous because of his boxing he just wanted to be able to concentrate on the two of us and I understand where he was coming from I mean we don't want prying eyes around all the time and the paparazzi you something you can get tired of need people know that me and him are dating and everything now we don't need them up in our business

As soon as we walked into the beautiful hotel room I couldn't believe everything he had said up from rose petals to wine to the hot tub ready to everything he knows we haven't had sex or anything like that yet because he don't want to rush me he wants to take time but he still is a romantic person I got to say I love everything he does for me

Zayn - so baby what do you think of everything that I have set up for us tonight

Kate - it's absolutely beautiful baby and I love everything that you're doing for me thank you you know this is the first time I really felt like I actually wanted me for me not like the way they would treat me before and not because they wanted to be with me and stuff you know what my father would try to do it's good to be able to stand on my own two feet right now but still I hope he never Finds Me

Zayn - I told you if you ever do find you he won't be able to get near you anymore cuz you're mine and I love you so much and I'm going to protect you plus you're now becoming professional boxer once your name comes out they're going to have bodyguards and everything it's going to be kind of hard for your father to get here you can have bodyguards now as it is but everybody around you you're definitely going to be able to take care of yourself you're not that weak girl anymore

Kate - that's cuz you always believed in me ever since you found me and helped me that night in that alley which I appreciate everything you did for me and I'm glad that you're helping me get back on my feet and I'm finishing college and everything in becoming the woman that I want to be and now I can actually believe in myself and I don't have to feel like I'm some type of s*** that they put me through before my father always made me feel worthless

Zayn - that's one thing that you're not remember everybody comes from hard time sometimes you have to deal with certain ways to get to where you're going but trust me I love you and I'm here for you and everything like that that's all that matters you've got some people in your corner your best friends are definitely there for you too

Kate - thank you baby and I can't believe you're gone through all this trouble to make this night so perfect for me and you which I really appreciate it by the way because like I said I've never had anybody do that for me before and it's nice to know that you're willing to be able to do that for me and show me that you do care like I said I'm in all right now

Zayn - so why don't you come over here sit down and we'll have a nice romantic dinner and then I'm going to get you to relax on that table over there cuz we're going to have the masseuse come up and give us massages and everything and then after that we're going to have some Netflix and chill and then if you want we can have that hot tub and if you want to go further like all the way let me know I'm not going to pressure you tonight baby then I have something I want to ask you very important

Kate - you can ask me anything baby and to tell you the truth I think I'm ready to go all the way tonight I love you

Zayn - even if you're ready to go all the way like you keep telling me you're getting to that point and you're ready for that tonight will need to go all the way I'm going to make it special because you're worth every bit of it I love you

Can keep that have smile to myself how did I get a guy I like him after everything I've been through in my and what could be so important that he wants to ask me I know one thing's for sure I know we have only been together for a little while but if he asks me to marry him in the near future or farther off I don't give a damn when the time comes he ever gets to the point that he wants to I'm definitely saying yes because For the first time in my life I'm taking what I want and I'm not living the way through fear of my father anymore time for me to stand up and be the father that I'm supposed to be my baby here is definitely showing me to be a fighter at heart I really want to know what is at least planning on asking let's just hope everything goes the way he wants it to tonight

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