"And why is that?" He asked me settling his tone a little but not much. His eyes seemed a little touchy, then agin my mind likes to play tricks on me.

"Because I'm currently the loser at my work that doesn't get paid enough so I work extra hard and still only get paid a little, I live in an old lady apartment and I can't afford a house plus Im way to stubborn and never going back to my parents house. Im out of luck come back in a month and I might pay the rent."

I had said all of it so fast I was panting trying to calm my breathing. I had said what needed to be said no matter if he liked it or not, he needed to know.

"No you just pay the money now or you get out and leave." He said with ice cold words. What an ass I mean his words were scary but I was to pissed to notice now.

I suddenly got to thinking what happened to all my money anyway? It couldn't of just grown to legs and walked off all on its own.

"I can't just leave or I will have nowhere to go." I said feeling helpless at my own spoken words.

"Well you should of thought of that before you paid the imposter that ran off with all that money of yours." He told me.

I sigh giving up and nodding my head he's right I guess I just-

"Wait what?!" I screamed...this jerk knew that guy stole my money an yet here he is blaming me for the problem and not having any money.

"Yes the guy took off with your money and now you either pay it back or get out and it's not my rules it's the law it says-"

"Wait you talk to court about me!" I interrupted him screaming to the top of my lungs. My statement was a little far fetched because he said the law, everyone should know that's against the law.

"No Ms.Kane and next time don't interrupt me I am this close to pretty much done with you, the people at the business I own interrupt me and it drives me crazy...your driving me crazy."

What he said had me blushing and I don't know why I guess the thought of driving someone like him crazy-- no I had to pull me head out of my ass he didn't mean it like that.

"Wait you own a business what are you some rich kid that's being forced to work here?" I jokingly say because alot of people own businesses its not an uncommon thing. I only said that to make him frustrated and mad.

"Something like that I'm sure you've heard of my company W.B.Z and I am only doing this lame job to prove to my dad that I can handle myself and the company without my fathers help. I am twenty five years old for crying out loud!"

I let my jaw drop open he worked...no better yet owned W.B.Z the 78 billion dollar company. I was also shocked that he was standing on my front porch right now. My front porch was famous!

What didn't shock me though was that he was around the same age I was and trying to prove himself. I suddenly was left speechless, standing there like some gaping fish.

"What? Did I shock you to death?" He asked rather smudged.

"Ya something like that." I murmured more to myself than him but oh we'll if he heard me I was to shocked to care.

That company is known all around the USA it's one huge business and I just met the owner. I muster up some words and spit them out..

"I thinks it's rather flattering how one of the biggest company owners in the world right now is at my door but I still don't have the rent so carry on being the rich fancy ass you are and I will will have the rent next mouth." I started getting snappy clearly sounding like a sassy pants.

"It doesn't work that way, either you pay up or you're on the streets simple." He looked surprised that someone would talk to him like that but I think he needed it.

I guess there was no telling this guy I mean what didn't he understand about I DON'T HAVE THE MONEY!

"Well the only problem with that sir is they pay me the same no matter how hard I work and I have no money right now." I explained hoping this time he would get it and leave me alone.

So much for a lazy day he totally ruined my day off. "Well Ms.Kane I need some extra help around my office my best buddy I currently caught screwing my girlfriend. I fired him from being my assistant would you like to be and I swear it's good pay probably better than the sappy ones you get."

I thought about this for along hard time while trying to think of the flaws of working at a billion dollar company. I couldn't think of a single flaw.

Why not it can't be that bad can it?

"Okay I will be your little personal assistant." I said putting my hand out so we could shake on it. He held his hand out and shook it with mine and let me tell you his hands are huge.

When I was shaking it I didn't like the soft little tingles crawling up my arm. "Pack your things so you can move in tomorrow morning." He said so fast I didn't have time to blink.

"Wait what?!" screeching I pray that I heard that wrong. It couldn't be possible there couldn't be no way!

"Well you still have to pay your rent you can't live here, you would have to live with me till you can get this paid off." He started smirking I guess he thought I made him look sooooooo smart.

"Wipe that stupid smirk before I slap it off your damn face and how much do I even need to work off?" I asked.

He stopped smirking and got all serious like. "You need to earn 10,000 dollars." I went lim I couldn't be 10,000 dollars in the hole!

I did smash that Aston Martin car once and that time I almost burnt down the coffee shop.

"Thats a truck load of money, it might take years to earn back." I whine still in shock. I didn't want to live with him for years that would be torture at its finest I could already tell.

"Then I suggest you get packing Ms.Kane and by the way my names Toby but you may only address me as boss or sir from now on."

"I will not be disobeyed or treated badly do you understand Abigail?" He said my first name with ice cold and hard rock words it scared the living dog light out of me. I knew this was serious shit I got myself into.

Nodding furiously I get nervous as he looks down and smirks at me. This happened a little to fast for me but when life gives you lemons you squeeze the hell out of them hoping for quality lemonade.


And you have it! A fun-flastic chapter! It did happen fast but please keep going!

Thanks for reading

I hoped you liked and I will update soon Its just hard to get Inspiration sometimes!!!!!!!!!!

As of right now.................... I am laying in my bed agin but this time I'm eating chocolate peanut butter cups.


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