Jeff The Killer x Reader; Please Save Me?

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I was lying on my back, staring at the ceiling of my bedroom, which happened to be in the attic. I asked my grandpa when I was young if he could renovate the attic into a room for me. It gets cold up here, and I prefer the cold over the heat. He did something amazing in addition. He built a small trapdoor, that led straight up to the roof, so I could stargaze, he always knew that was one of the few things that actually made me contempt.

It had been another rough day, with my parents divorcing for the last two years, as they continued to drag it out, my brother drowning himself in drugs, almost as though he wasn't even here anymore. Both my sisters moved away to a different state, my grades slipping ever since my depression has gone downhill since the start of this hellish divorce. Usually, divorces aren't this bad. It's just that they use me as a tool to get back at one another. It's like I'm caught in the middle of the spider's web. Struggling helplessly as I watch the spider of death and despair crawl towards me.

I had to go to the court room today, and because I left school early, my chemistry teacher automatically failed me on a huge test that was today, and I was in the middle of it when I was called to leave. She had told me she was so tired of me 'skipping' because of these ridiculous 'excuses,' like whatever, believe whatever the fuck you want. I'm doing fine in ever other class, besides, what I want to pursue has nothing to do with chemistry anyway.

The court date had not gone smoothly at all. It was the first time I was in there since the start of this divorce, and it was very unsettling.

"Ms.(l/n)." The judge said to me, standing by the table opposite of my parents.

"Yes, Judge McAcklin?" I replied.

"Do you agree to grant your father full custody of both you and your older brother, (b/n) (l/n)?"

"I agree, and you have already talked to my brother, correct?"

"Yes ma'am, I assure you we have."

His calm and softened voice soothed my nerves, until my rather rude mother cut in.

"Why do you want to give this bastard full custody!? He kicked me out of my home with no money, and nowhere to go, and you want to support him?"

"Mrs.(l/n)! Your daughter does not have to justify her wish, now sit back down!" The judge shouted banging his gavel, making me jump at the sudden loud noise.

"No Your Honor, I wouldn't mind answering her question." I looked at my mother with an angry and frustrated gaze.

"Even if dad did cut you off from the bank account, he gives you a thousand dollars a month. And instead of staying with grandma, or my aunt, you choose to rent an apartment which adds to your expenses, not only would you have food provided, but you wouldn't have had to have purchased a bed, and other appliances either. And besides, this divorce is only temporary so you would've eventually gotten your money anyway." I spat at her.

"Whatever, It's not like I want you, I just want the money." She looked away.

"I'm well aware. That's why I'm granting dad full custody. I wasn't originally going to, but you really shouldn't leave an open diary on your bed, with a 'curious' teenager running around. Really mom? You think of dad while using your dildo? It's called moving on." I laughed at her, quoting what she said she was gonna do.

She jumped over the table and ran towards me, but the guards quickly held her back.

I heard a stiffled number of laughs behind me, and turned to see 2 teenagers, and two men. The oldest one was also the tallest out of the group. I couldn't see his face, it was covered with a black fedora. The hat held a white, black-tipped feather pocking from the fabric strand wrapping around the rim. From his hands gripping the bench in front, I could see he was a sickly pale and skinny man. He wore a plain black tailored suit with a red tie. The one next to him was tall as well, but shorter than the man next to him, only by a couple inches however. He wore a very silly suit. The arms had thick horizontal black and white pinstripes, while the torso was a pure white. He had a yellow daisy in the breast pocket, and a tie with numerous comedy and tragedy masks upon it. His hair a jet black, and a little messy, but otherwise, it clearly was groomed regularly. His piercing black eyes, with white rings on the inside, and dark circles surrounding them, showing lack of sleep. His nose and mouth were covered with a black bandana, surprising me that he was allowed in here with that particular accessory. By the way his pointed fingers were pressed to his covered lips, I could tell he was the one that laughed. Next was a rather fidgety boy, around 17, I would say. I could tell from the slight twitches that he had Tourette syndrome, something I suffered from at a younger age. He wore a rough looking brown blazer, the buttons undone, and a white t-shirt underneath. His feet were kicked up on the bench, and out of character from his blazer, he wore a pair of light blue jeans, and red converse. One thing completely different were the goggles fairly hidden in the locks of plush brown hair. A black and white bandana was wrapped around his right arm, his hands behind his head, shoulders slumped, as I rolled up to his green eyes piercing mine, and when our gazes met, he gave me a hard smirk, making me quickly look away in embarrassment. Finally, the last one. He was tall too. About 6' I'd have to guess. He didn't wear anything fancy besides the black suit pants, but they were stained and ripped at the ankles. His white sweatshirt loosely hung from his frame. His hood was pulled up over his black hair, his gaze locked on the ground in front of him, but he slowly looked up at me. I flinched a little at the sight. How intriguing. A massive 'forced smile' scar adorned his face, like the joker, just real. On an actual human being. His eyes were wide, like he had no eyelids. But does he? I don't seem to spot any. He had dark circled around his eyes, and pale skin. He was fairly built for his age, not too buff, but not sickly thin either, like the first man. His pale grey, almost white eyes seemed to flash red for a moment when our gazes locked. He a madman, all his teeth showing, stretching the scar.  Hm, I wonder who the hell these....people are.


My thoughts were collected when the sound of a gavel sounded, and I whipped my head back towards the judge.

"I apologize. What is it?"

"Is there anything else you would like to declare?"

"No sir, I believe I'm done here."

"We are ma'am. I assure you. Next case!" He banged his gavel, and the courtroom cleared out.

My mother tried to lash out at me again, the guards to slow to grab her. Time began to slow. You see whenever I'm in danger, I automatically react, and time slows around me as I focus on the one source of danger. I moved and thought faster than the rotation of the earth as I've been told. Her fist was coming toward my face, I quickly turned my back to her, and tilted my head, her fist grazing over my shoulder. I grabbed her wrist and bent my body forward, pulling her arm. Time began to quicken, and went back to its original pace as her body slammed into the bench in front of me, next to the four men. I looked up, and stood up straight.

"I'm sorry if I startled you, gentlemen."

I walked over to my mother and bent down to her face.

"Don't you dare ever touch me again, or your back won't be the only thing I hurt."

I stood back up, and walked myself out, the guards attending to my mother. I began to walk through the lobby toward the doors and I seen the four men all leaning up against the door. All four looked at me, a sinister smile creeping onto each of their faces. The one with the white hoodie walked up to me.

"That was amazing girl. Did you take martial arts?" He questioned, the smile never leaving his face. His voice was rough, but at the same time smooth. It was a nice, soothing sound. It was like it held sincerity.

I laughed at his compliment.

"Thank you, but no. I did take a couple classes on women's defense."

Silence ensued.

"Can I ask something personal?" I requested.

"Hm?" He sounded.

"Can I touch your scar?" I asked. The scar was amazingly frightening, but curious.

He seemed taken aback by this question, but nodded none the less.

He looked down at me, and kneeled so I'd have better leverage. Then I looked down at him.

I slowly reached out and lightly placed my fingertips on his scar, running them along the edges, memorizing every slight bump, and jagged edge. The scar reached right below his cheekbones, so it wasn't extremely long or short, it was the perfect length. As I lightly reached the end of it with my thumbs, he leaned into the touch of my right hand.

"What do you think?" He asked quietly, worried for the answer.

"It's beautiful." I muttered, entranced by the lovely scar adorning his cheeks.

His expression immediately darkened, and his hands shot up, roughly grabbing my wrists, yet gently pushing my hands back towards my chest. He roughly stood up, and the other three with him began to walk out, and he turned to follow.

"Wait!" I called after, grabbing his right arm sleeve.

He turned back around, a scowl on his face.


"I never got your name."

He looked surprised for a second, but faltered back to anger.

"It's Jeff. Jeffery Woods. But I warn you girl."

He turned completely around, bending down to my eye level.

"Don't ever lie to me again. Liars are known to live short lives."

He turned and left.

He just threatened me. He is intriguing.

He's definitely not a normal teenager.

He's dangerous.

He crazed.

He's calm.

He collected.

But at the same time....

He's utterly insane.

Why do I get the feeling, that will not be our only meeting?

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