Demon! Sam x Reader; You're Not a Monster (Part 1)

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      "Sam, you can't do this! You might get yourself killed! Do you really want to leave me and Dean like this?" I whispered, tears rushing down my face.
"(y/n), listen. I don't want to do this, but I have to. To protect these people, Dean, and most importantly, you.'' He finished, while continuing to pack his bag.
"Sam, if you do this, those demons that were released in Devil's Gate will tear you to shreds! You're gonna KILL Lilith! Your boss and creator! What happens if you do kill her? I don't want to watch you die!" I shouted.

"My death is a good bargain if it means the death of Lilith.'' He snarled, eyes turning black. I flinched.
"I'm sorry, I know that scares you.'' He muttered.
"That's another thing I worry about. I'm worried that yellow-eyed bastard is getting what he wants and why we are here in the first place. I feel like this power has gotten to your head. You think you can take on Lilith alone, you tell me you're gonna use your demon power to do it, you're not even thinking about me and Dean's well being. That's the thing that scares me most is your lack of care. You don't have a speck of hesitation, you're gonna go and kill her without planning anything at all. This is not you and its scaring me.'' I opened up my concerns to him after keeping them bottled up for so long.

"Maybe that's a good thing, I'm afraid I might hurt you. That's why I don't want you coming.'' He said, packing the last thing.
"Is it really? I feel like you're lying. Even if you are a demon, I don't think you'll ever be good at it.'' I deadpanned, an eyebrow raised. He slammed the door shut to keep our rising argument private from the others, leaving a crack in the wall.
"Fine. It's because I don't want you to see what I've become. Dean was right, I gave into this damn power and look where it got me. I'm a demon, a monster.'' He growled, his anger seething off his skin, causing the electric to go crazy.

I ran up to him, and wrapped my arms around his torso, burying my face in his chest.
"You're not a monster. I would never see you that way.'' I wrapped my arms around him tighter, but he didn't move a muscle.
"You're saying if you just met me, you would have hesitation in killing me?"
"Sam, that's a different story, if I didn't know you, and if maybe you were trying to kill me right now, that's when I would think differently.'' I said, releasing him, knowing this isn't making a difference.

"So, if I was trying to kill you, right now, then you'd think I'm a monster?" He asked, and I shook my head. I suddenly felt a force, and was pushed up against the wall behind me. Sam walked over to me, eyes now pitch black. He leaned down and whispered into my neck.
"You know I could snap your neck in an instant. Doesn't that make me a monster?"
"So could I.''
"Okay then, maybe if I ripped your heart out of your chest, could you do that?"
"Yes, I could.''
"So, whatever way I choose to kill you, you're saying you're no different and could do the same to me?" He asked, backing up, the force on my torso vanishing.

"Sam, there are people out there, who are a billion times worse than you. They torture, kill, hurt, rape, steal, vandalize, and scar people.'' ''Oh yeah? Who?" He bit.
"Look up 'World's 10 most diabolical people' I'm sure something would pop up.''
"It doesn't matter what you are. What matters is there is good and evil. It's up to you to decide which path you follow. Cas, Dean, Bobby, You, Ruby, and I? We're counted as the good ones, we don't hurt, we protect. The bad ones like Lilith get their kicks by torturing people, watching them suffer, and laughing at it. Now I know that, if you see Dean get a tiny little cut on his finger, your protective mother side is switched on.'' I giggled. He began chuckling with me, some electric going back to normal.

"There's good and evil, and in almost everyone's book, you're the good.'' I finished. "So, can I go? I'd rather die with you, than to live without you. You said it yourself, whoever goes will more than likely die, and I'd rather die with you.'' Sam was about to say something, but a voice sounded through-out the room, scaring the daylights out of me.

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