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I love all sexualities even when I'm not attracted to them. I love all genders when I'm not attracted to them. Gays are cute. Lesbians are cute! Bisexuals are cute. Pansexuals are cute. Demisexuals are cute. Agenders are cute. Transgenders are cute. Genderfluids are cute. And you get the point. I love all of them. And I hate that all of them get discriminated for what they like, or who they like or what gender they are. It isn't right. So we gonna try to stop all this hate. If you see someone getting bullied or hated for being LGBT+ followers and for being who they are. Use this hash tag. #lovealltheflags also use the hash tag #johnnilikesthisandcarrots so if someone is having a hard time that if they wanna talk to pm me or comment something. I will talk to you if you are having problems.

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