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So I watch anime and I love it. I remember watching Bleach that was my first anime that I ever saw.


Soul Eater

Karin(the chibi vampire )

Attack On Titan

Dimension x

I have been wanting to watch Diabolik Lovers, Death Note, Black Butler, Tokyo Ghoul, and No Life No Game. Any suggestions for anime? I love anime ships!! My favorite are:

Eren x Levi ( AOT )

Toshiro x Ichigo ( Bleach )

Death The Kid x himself ( Soul Eater, and he is perfection so someone has to be equally like him and it's him)

Sebastian x Ciel ( Black Butler)

And then there's like others but I'll make a different chapter for that.

Random Q&A:

What's your favorite type of movie?
I love horror movies, they just relate to me and my personality!!! :)

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