Chapter Five

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Chapter Five


  Walk of shame: most people define it as the moments you have after a terrible night of party and embarrassing yourself terribly. Maybe you had a hook up, or maybe you just managed to humiliate yourself to no end. The morning after said drunken night is what we call The Walk of Shame. My morning after didn't happen. Sunday came and again, no walk of shame for me. But then there was the dreaded Monday when I would have to face the man who was there to encounter it all... Here goes my walk of shame.

   It seemed no matter how I dressed, I still looked like humiliation on legs. Maybe "Hey, I vomited all over the cab" was written on my forehead like the hexed A in "The Scarlet Letter." It was impossible to look presentable in front of someone who have probably seen you at your lowest point.

   I settled with a black romper, keeping my blonde hair down and straightened-- definitely walk of shame material, and I headed out of my apartment. I walked in the direction of the Reid's home, in just a few weeks I had intentions on car hunting but for now I was okay with the walk. It wasn't too far and it gave me just enough time to get my thoughts on order before arriving. One thought that crossed my mind was if Matt had mentioned Friday night to Alexandra. Did she know about how her child's nanny was a horrible drunk who spent her Friday night sneaking into clubs that she was too young to go into? Surely if he had he wold have left out the part about him being the one who had fed me the alcohol in the first place, but I'm a big girl and I'm quite capable of making decisions for myself. I could only hope that they wouldn't hold my life outside of work against me.

   The walk seemed much faster than usual today, maybe because I was dreading the encounter with whoever answered the door. Maybe the look on my face would give it away. As I approached the house, I made my way up the driveway and to the front door of the house, giving three gentle knocks.

   Within what I had mentally counted to be about twenty-five seconds, the front door had opened and Alexandra stood in front of me, a smile on her face, "Allison! Good morning."

   She stepped aside for me to walk into the house. I noted that she was already dressed for work, her purse hanging off her shoulder as though she were ready to leave at this very moment.

   "Good morning. I'm not late, am I?" I bite my lip gently, double checking my watch to make sure.

   She shook her head to reassure me, "Oh, no. You're early. But I got called in to meet with a very important client unexpectedly so I have to run..." She motioned towards the staircase, "Matthew doesn't have to work until late this morning so he's still sleeping. I'll see you this evening, okay?"

   I nodded my head at her words, "Have a good day, I'll see you later."

   As she walked out of the house, I closed the door and locked it. I was slightly surprised the workaholic Matt was home and still sleeping when usually by the time I arrived in the mornings he was already at work, rarely ever was he still at home when I arrived here. Maybe business was slow today. I shrugged off the thought and checked the time, I had about an hour and a half before Thomas woke up, he was in a pretty set routine so I walked to the family room and sat on the leather couch, tucking my feet underneath my butt as I turned on the TV. After about ten minutes of scrolling through Netflix I decided on watching the old Full House because that show, just like John Stamos, never seemed to get old.

Another Woman's Man ✔ (Another Woman Series #1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें