Chapter Thirty Seven

Start from the beginning

"It's an herb. Suck on it," he held the leaf out to her and, after a moment of hesitance, she took it.

"Why?" she narrowed her eyes at the tiny sprig, "What will it turn me into?"

"Such mistrust, even after all that I have done for you. It's for your voice. Even though you are not talking in your low voice, you still sound like you swallowed a good many sharp stones. It will take the soreness away, and in turn, the scratchiness," he answered while motioning for her to do as told.

With a nod, she did.

"Why did you have this with you?" she asked, "Did you expect I'd need to sound like myself at some point?"

"Of course not," he replied, "I got those herbs for myself."

"Is now the time that I find out that you're a girl as well?" she asked with a smile.

"Not quite," he countered. "There are more ways to get a sore throat than eating your voice fruits."

"Oh, I bet so," she said with a type of humor Kayde had not yet heard from her. She wiggled a brow for extra effect. The moment he understood her tasteless joke, he shook his head at her and grinned.

"Vile," was all he said.

"Indeed," she said simply. "That was a reach, wasn't it? Sorry for that."

Kayde chuckled. "War has changed you, girl."

"I think it has changed everybody."


They arrived at the jail not long after Iris's throat finally felt better. As she continued talking to Kayde, she found herself interested in the way it sounded. She was no longer used to the light soprano, and she definitely wasn't used to her throat not hurting. She refocused her attention when she entered her destination. The same lieutenant from earlier was standing about in the main area, pacing. He only stopped when he noticed them.

"Who goes there?" he asked.

"A scout of General Zayn's," Kayde answered quickly, "Do you not recognize me from earlier?"

The soldier narrowed his eyes for a moment and then smiled at Kayde.

"Ah, I do recognize you," he said, and glanced down at Iris, "But I don't recognize you."

With a moment of appraisal, he looked back up at Kayde.

"Very beautiful girl that you have here, who is she?" Thedorn asked. Iris would be lying if she said she wasn't flattered at the compliment.

"A girl that the general cares for... Her name is Elisa. He sent her here to see if she could persuade the captain into talking. He wanted to try this one last thing before killing the Token," Iris recoiled at Kayde's choice of words. A girl that the general cares for? What the hell, Kayde? She knew that he would pay for that jest the moment she could raise a hand.

"I see," Thedorn's said after a moment, though he looked thoroughly puzzled. "Well, Miss Elisa, I will lead you to our prisoner. May you have more luck than all of us."

"Thank you, sir."

With that, he walked to the cell door and handed her the key.

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