Tears and Rain

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Gaara starred up at the cracks in the ceiling as he clutched his heart for what felt like hours. Finally he gathered up whatever courage he had and sat up.

He peered over at Temari and Kankuro, whom had both fallen asleep, exhausted from their worry. He felt a pang of guilt for the trouble he caused, he had never realised that they would selflessly do anything for him.

Maybe people do care. Maybe they do love me.

Gaara thought back to all the moments with his family, his people, and with you. He clutched his heart as he realised what that strange feeling was. Love; for them, finally for himself and always for you.

Gaara's eyes widened at the revelation and his breath caught in his throat.

"I have to find y/n!"

He swiftly grabbed his cloak and ran out into the dark streets of Sunagakure.

Gaara searched the village through the dying light; he ran past bowing ninjas and faces that smiled at his presence. But in that moment, the only face he could see, that he wanted to see was y/n's. In this moment, nothing else mattered.

Just as the last rays grasped the village rooftops, rain started to poor down. The villagers ran for shelter and made their ways home.

Soon all that could be heard was the loud patter of rain falling heavily through the streets. Gaara looked desperately for y/n, heart beating fast at the thought of seeing you.

Lanterns dimly scattered the path as Gaara ran harder through the rain. Worry and anxiety filled his heart and mind as the sun gave way to night and fell away.

Where are you, y/n?

Where would she go?

Suddenly he remembered your favourite training spot where he had watched you from the tall dune many times. He blushed as he realised why he had wanted to watch you so often and why he was always drawn to this place.

He ran past the dune where you had fallen unconscious and turned down the pavement towards his heart.

He soon saw a figure kneeling in the rain.

It was the reason he breathed.

It was you.


Sorry it has taken so long..

Touch my Heart (Gaara x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora