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You jolted awake blushing madly.

'Well that was...uhm... yep.' You shook your head fiercely trying to get the idea out of your mind.

You sat up and peered through the darkness towards the window. The sun hadn't even risen yet. But there was no way you were going back to bed with that thought in your mind. You sighed, pulling yourself out of bed.

You quickly pulled on your ninja gear and headed out the door towards your favourite training spot.

You needed to do something to get your mind off him..

After a few hours you fell back, exhausted, into the sand and looked up at the warm sky, sun gleaming brightly above you.

You lazily closed your eyes and took in the warm breeze, letting your thoughts wander.

Suddenly you remembered that dream you had last night. That very interesting dream... the one you had many times before.

Your eyes shot open as a blush crept across your cheeks.

You closed your eyes again. 'Now that I think about it, can people even touch him?' You wondered, 'I've never seen anyone touch him before.'

You raised your eyebrows. Oh yes, the challenge was on.

"I will touch him!" You shouted. You blushed harder, looking around you, realising how bad that sounded.

Breathing a sigh of relief you peeled yourself off the ground and went off in search of Gaara, it was your day off anyway.

Eventually you came across Gaara snoozing upon a sand dune.

"Nows my chance!" You whispered.

You ran at the handsome man, arms outstretched, ready to embrace your friend when suddenly you smashed into the tsunami of sand that had risen in his defence.

Before you knew it you had fallen backwards were tumbling down the dune.

Slowly the world faded away and turned black.

Touch my Heart (Gaara x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora