Insults and Fashion

Start from the beginning

Riley's POV

Now I really had to go work, it was now 3 pm and I had to hurry, because I had a baby ballet class in a half hour.
"Riley wait", I heard Marc call coming after me.
I stopped and wondered what was now.
"We have a contract and we can only take the catwalk of the studio if you're there controlling", he informed me.
I sighed, really, I had work to do.
"Fine", I said walking after him.
Unfortunately taking off the stage took much more time than the building, so I had to wait half hour till I could go and then I immediately had to rush to the lounge.
The girls were already in the lounge with their parents waiting for me.
"Miss Riley, could I maybe talk to you after this class", a mother asked me before I even could say hello.
"Sure", I said smiling but screaming inside.
Why couldn't they let me work.
This work was for A-Trouper and they were the most important dance class in the studio. The parents left and I started teaching the kids.

After the baby ballet class I was exhausted.
I wished I could go home and drink some tea, watch TV and then sleep, but right now it just seemed like a dream.
I entered my office and the mother followed me.
I offered her a seat and she sat down in one of the couches.
"Alright, you wanted to talk to me", I told her hoping she would make this talk short, so that I could go to my papers.
I should be nervous if I am still in the casting, but there wasn't much time to think about the casting." Right, I think that the lounge is too small for the kids, the baby ballet is dance and this casting not", she told me as if I didn't know.
"I know Mrs. Kingston, but the casting won't last long, but baby ballet will probably be transferred to B-Studio anyway ", I informed her.
"What first this stupid band comes and takes the Music room, the room that was from the baby ballet for about twelve years , then a stupid casting takes the A-Studio from us and then we get transfer to the B-Studio, what is going on with this studio?", she practically yelled at me.
I kept calm on the outside, but was yelling at the woman in my imagination.
"Why is the B-Studio a problem?", I asked her calmly.
"Because it is too small", she told me.
B-Studio too small, this woman was clearly exaggerating, the music room wasn't that bigger.
"Mrs. Kingston B-Troupe who are very important in this studio dance there too and they never complained".
"That's so typical bla bla bla A-Troupe, bla bla bla B-Troupe and the little one have to suffer", she complained.
"I will try to make the Music room free for some classes, but I can't promise anything", I said.
She nodded still looking mad at me and stood up leaving my office without even saying goodbye. Friendly woman. I shook my head and took my laptop.
"Mrs. Riley?", someone asked.
"What now?", I asked turning to Becca and Gabi that were standing at my door.
"We have class", Gabi informed me.
"We have tomorrow", I reminded them.
"But you canceled the class yesterday so we should have it today", Becca said.
"Oh I forgot, I'm coming get warmed up and I'm there", I told them quickly shutting my laptop down and going out of the office to B-Studio.
I was nearly in B-Studio when a really hard headache hit me.
I stopped in my step and waited till it disappeared.
Luckily it was gone after one minute and I could go back to going to B-Studio.

I had canceled so many classes that I had to teach 4 hours so when I was ready it was already half past eight. I was walking to A-Studio, when I heard music coming from the music room.I entered it surprised that the band was here, since they had canceled the practice.
"Why are you all here?", I asked them entering the room.
"We were bored and decided to come back to practice", James told me stopping to drum.
"Oh okay, you guys will have to share the room with baby ballet, so I need someone to come with me to plan when you want the room", I informed them.
"Do you want to go Luke?", James asked him looking at me.
I felt a little uncomfortable so I looked at Luke."No we three have a solo, you can go!", he told James.
Great a stressful day and now I had to talk to James.
"Alright", he said standing up and walking towards me.
I turned around and tried walking a little faster, so that I wasn't next to him.
He respected my distance and walked behind me. We arrived at my office and he sat on the couch.
I opened my last drawer and took a paper with the rooms out.
"Okay baby ballet is usually two hours long, besides one day.
This day it is only one hour.
I also need 4 days, but since it's only so little time I think you can find time to practice", I told him.
He was listening whilst looking at me.
He smiled and said:"Yes that is a lot of time".
I had to look away, because I couldn't bare his gorgeous smile.
We started planning the division of the room.

"Alright, I guess we finished", I said to him yawning.
"Yes, are you tired?", he asked.
"A little", I answered.
"You're not working too much, are you?", he asked preoccupied.
I was mad, that was not his business.
"No", I answered mad and avoided eye contact with him.
"You sure, you look really exhausted?", he asked me still preoccupied.
"Yes", I said taking my keys.
We had been here one and a half hour so it was already 10 pm and it was time to leave the studio.
He walked after me and I closed all doors and turned off the lights.
We both left the building and I locked up the door behind us.
"Do you want a ride?, the last bus drove away about five minutes", he offered me.
"No, I'm fine, I walk", I said.
"Come on", he insisted.
I didn't answer, so he took my arm and dragged me to his car.
I opened the door sat in and closed it behind me. James was already in and started the engine.
The ride was very awkward, I was just yawning the whole time and James was looking at the street whilst watching me every now and then.
"So what did you do today?", he asked me and this time I decided to answer truthfully.
"I taught A-Troupe four hours, I went to the casting, taught the baby ballet class for two hours, had a talk with a stupid mother, had B-Troupe classes for four hours and then I talked to you", I told him looking out of the window.
"Riley, you are crazy, why are you doing so many things on one day", he said.
"It's not like I have a choice", I answered.
I noticed his preoccupied look, but ignored it.
Finally we arrived at my house.
I took the seat belt off and said:"Thank you".
Then I quickly opened the door and walked to my house.
Now I would definitely go sleep.

Since I took so much time to update the last chapter I thought I could update the next one today (but don't get used to it 😊)
I really hope you enjoyed the second round of the casting just one more to go.
I think you all know what I am going to ask.
What are your three favourite episodes of season 3?
A:The last episode, because I was crying after seeing the jiley duet and how James cried( just so emotinal)
The episode where they arrive in Miami, because I laughed so hard when Riley hit James and Eldon.
And episode 19 where Jiley walk a mile in each others shoes, just too funny how Riley plays James and the ending is really cute.

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