Chapter 23- I Proposed

Start from the beginning

"Shut up."

I am cross all the way back to the dorm. Snape laughs, "My, Draco did you know she was cheating on you? With Harry Potter nonetheless."

"My I didn't know Snape. Considering I'm the one who let him in. Polyjuice."

Snape laughs and swings open. Draco goes into his room and throws me down on his bed. I land with a ooph!

He runs his hand through is hair, like he often does when he is mad. "Oh Draco, come here."

"No, I don't want to hurt you Hermione."

I know what he needs. "I wasn't asking."

I stand up and go in front of him. He looks at me, surprised. I grab his tie and throw him down onto the bed. He goes down with an ooph! I lay myself on top of him and kiss his lips.

He kisses back, releasing all the anger from inside him. He rolls over so I'm under him and he puts his hand under my shirt. I moan, "Dracooooo."

He just shakes his head and kisses my neck. I moan and feel myself surrender completely to his will. He takes my robe off and my shirt. He kisses me everywhere on the top half of me.

"Draco am I too early dear?"

His mother's voice comes from the lounge. "Mom do not come in!"

"Why not?"

"Um because I'm only wearing a towel?"

"Oh okay dear, is Hermione in her room?"

"No I think she's out running errands."


Draco quickly gets off me and smooths his hair down. I hastily grab my shirt and robe, pulling them on. I whisper, "Draco you almost went a bit too far."

He looks at me with a guilty look in his eyes, "I was getting rid of my anger. I almost took everything from you, from anger. I would never do that to you though. I almost did but I would never go much farther."

He wraps his arm around my waist. He opens the door and walks out to greet his mother. "Hello mum."

"Oh my dear-why was she in your room?"

Mrs. Malfoy raises an eyebrow. "Wasn't she out running errands?"

Draco shrugs and makes a guilt face at his mother. "Draco Malfoy you-"

"Please, Mrs. Malfoy. I was calming him down. The best way I could think of and we didn' anything we would regret."

Narcissus nods and seems to calm down. "I'm sorry to do this right before your wedding dear but I need closure. And Draco needs to meet two certain children."

"I know mother and I'm going to kill my fa-" Narcissus gives a look, "I'm going to help with that."

I nod along. All I knew is that Narcissus found out that Lucius has been cheating on her with another woman because he became 'bored.' She kicked him out of that Manor and renamed it Black Manor due to her prior maiden name.

"Well thank you. I already signed the paper work and now Lucius needs to."

I nod again. How Lucius didn't get a life in Azkaban I have no idea. I smile at Narcissus, "I'll keep him calm. I know how his temper tends to get."

Narcissus laughs, "You picked the right apple to marry Draco. And I already have the bridal party set up."

"You do?"

"Yes Hermione darling. I have that under control but I do know that your friend Ginny has the wedding, correct?"

I nod along. "Yep Ginny has the entire wedding under complete control."

"Good now I believe, if you get changed Hermione, that we should be ready to leave."

I go to change and I throw on my new favorite sweater; my Slytherin sweater of course. I walk out to meet Draco and his mother.

"Can we apparate dears?"

I nod and so does Draco. And off we go, each clinging one of Miss Black's arms.
Hey so Hermione is going to meet Draco's idiot father. In the meantime, enjoy creating the scene in you imaginations. A Mudblood meeting a evil pureblood for the first time.

Don't have much to say right now. Oh yeah! If you want to send me any covers is be happy to take them.

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Stay beautiful <3

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