Chapter 19- Walk Of Shame

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Hermione's POV

I woke up in the morning, not knowing how I got here. Draco was laying next to me.

His arm was slung around me. His breath was hot on the back of my neck. It smelt of beer. I quickly sit up, then realize my mistake as a pounding headache whacks me.

I rub my forehead and realize that I'm only in my black lace bra and underwear. "What'd I do last night?"

I look at Draco and thank goodness that he's still wearing his pants. His shirt is off though. I shake him, "Goodmorning Puppy!"

He opens his eyes to shoot a glare at me. "Well someone seems happy. Wait how'd we get up here?"

"No idea."

He then actually opens his eyes and looks at me. "Well I guess we didn't get to far before passing out if you woke up like that."

"Actually I just woke up and my head is pounding."

He nods and flips his legs out of bed. He stretches his neck out and grabs something off the night dresser. He hands me a small vial. It contains a green liquid.

I want the smell towards me. "Ah ha so now-"

"Just drink it Hermione. You'll be happy you did."

I gulp it down in one swallow. Memories come rushing back.
"I bet no one looks better than me without their shirt on!"

Draco proclaims this and then promptly takes his shirt off. Harry and Neville follow. Baisly was last after he tore his lips from Pansy's.

"Oh Draco you definitely do."

I had hiccuped and giggled at him, literally caressing his abs. Luna then stood up on a chair and proclaims, drunkly, "I am Luna the Good! I hereby say the Herdorothy and all women need to take off their shirts and pants to prove who has the best body!"

Her voice was very soft yet loud. I slip out of my dress. Draco quickly lifts me up bridal style and growls. "No one sees my fiancée's body but mine eyes."

He holds me against his chest and waltzes into Hogwarts. We pass Professor McGonagall who told us to put some clothes on. Then Snape covers his eyes and says get a room.


Snape swung open laughing. Draco carried me all the way to his room. Then he laid me down on his bed. He kissed my neck and then he had been sucking and biting my neck.

Then I remember falling asleep while this was going on.
"Oh my gosh I swear if I have a mark on my neck Draco."

Draco laughs and looks at me. "Yep you do. I did it for like thirty more minutes after you fell asleep. Then I remember saying something profane. Then I cuddled up next to you."

I run out of the room and into the bathroom. There's a huge red circle on my neck where he kissed me. It's enormous and totally not hide able.

I need Ginny. Draco is in the lounge, sitting on the couch. I open the door and I hear Draco choke on his coffee. I roll my eyes and walk outside. Snape covers his eyes again and says, "Please Miss Granger."

I shake my head, confused. I walk down to the Gryffindor common room. There are a couple first year Slytherin's staring at me bug eyed. Like they never seen an engaged woman.

Then I pass a couple sixth years. I get a dog whistle from one of them. I roll my eyes. I wait by the picture of the fat lady who said something about dignity then left.

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