“Get some coffee, and then let’s transfer those seats for you,” the novelist said, turning back to the view. Emily paused a moment, studying his back. The memory of waking up in his arms bombarded her, causing tingles throughout her body. It had been almost two years since she’d laid with a man, and oh, it had felt so good! His harder body against her soft curves, the way she’d fit against him, even his manly smell aroused senses she thought had died with Darrell.

                Covertly studying her boss, Emily realized he was the opposite of her late husband. Where Darrell had been tall and bulky, Shane McNeal was slim and of average height; long-haired to Darrell’s short, irreverent where her dead husband had been earnest to a fault. Of course, she and her husband had grown up together, while this man was a relative stranger to Emily. But, oh, if she’d admit it to herself, she wanted to get to know Shane McNeal a lot better, and that frightened Emily. Could she really be ready to move on with her life?

                Rousing herself from this introspection, Emily hurriedly poured a cup of coffee and paused, narrowing her eyes on her boss.

                “Why are you down here anyway, Mr. McNeal? You’re usually locked up in your room by now.”

               Shane turned around, but wouldn’t meet her eyes. “You need help with the seats, and—“

                “You have writer’s block, don’t you?” Emily correctly surmised, moving towards him, cup in hand. He had the grace to look sheepish, even as he led the way down the stairs to the garage level.

                “Maybe a little. But I’ll work through it. I always do. Now, let’s get your family switched over to a twenty-first century driving machine, instead of that dinosaur you own.”

                “That dinosaur has served me loyally for many years, I’ll have you know,” Emily retorted, following him downstairs.

                “Yeah, well, it’s just refusing to admit it’s extinct.”

                Shane hit the automatic garage door button, allowing daylight into his three-car garage. The Range Rover sat in the middle of the space, commanding attention, although the Harley on one side and black convertible Jaguar XK on the other vied for attention as well. Emily paused, admiring the rolling stock housed before her, then headed for her Ford Taurus wagon. Shane paused in his advance to admire her rear end; following Emily out to her car in order to retrieve the car seats back to the Land Rover and secure them in the rear seat.

                After only a few minutes Shane threw up his hands, swearing.

              “How are you supposed to attach these damn things? You have to be an octopus to fasten them down!” Emily’s laugh didn’t help, so Shane pulled out of the back seat of the Rover and glared at the offending car seat.

               Emily studied her boss with laughing eyes, noticing the dark hair swinging free, half obscuring that arresting face with high cheekbones. And those hands fisted on his hips—long-fingered and slim; she bet he knew how to use them, too! Flustered by these thoughts, Emily overly concentrated on fixing the restraints. Once finished with hers, she elbowed Shane aside and double-checked his work.

                “Good enough?” Shane asked, eyes shifting to watch his neighbor the doctor drive by, then returning his gaze to his housekeeper.


                “Good. Then let’s go get donuts. After all, since we’ve spent the night together, I owe you breakfast the morning after.” Shane grinned shamelessly at Emily, who felt her face flush as she realized her boss was hitting on her and she didn’t really mind. Seeing he’d rattled his housekeeper’s poise, Shane continued.

               “I don’t think I’ve met anyone lately who blushes. It’s attractive.” Invading her personal space a step or two, he was rewarded with her cautious step back, bringing a broader grin to his face.

               Waiting till she met his gaze, Shane said, “You drive. Get used to the Rover,” and without waiting for a reply, the author sauntered to the passenger side, climbing in. Emily’s suspicious gaze met his through the windshield, but pivoting she went inside, returning quickly with purse in tow.

             Sliding into the driver’s seat, Emily suppressed a sigh as she touched the buttery soft leather seat, but her voice was steely as she said, “I’ll drive, but you’ll tell me about your latest story, and why you’re stuck.”

             Emily felt rather than saw Shane’s eyebrow rise over his glasses’ frame, even as he agreed in an amused voice. They were off, and had only travelled to the Coast Highway when Shane instructed her to turn right into a parking lot outside a thankfully closed See’s Candy store and a bustling donut shop. As they parked, and Emily slipped out of the SUV, she realized this was her first date since Darrell died. She stumbled.

Six and CountingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang