Love Thy Enemy

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Chapter One

Sleeping Arrangements

My new Head Girl badge is pinned securely to my robe and my back-breakingly heavy book bag is strung over my shoulder, making me lean to the left as Ron jokes with Harry while he tries to kiss Ginny goodbye. I can't believe the two of them decided not to come back to Hogwarts for seventh year, but they have both been green lighted right into the Auror program at the ministry, so I guess they really have no need to go back. Me on the other hand, I wouldn't dream of missing my last year.

Ron finally turns his attention back to me only to give me the same puppy dog face he has been wearing since I told him my plans to go back to school without him. He has tried ever trick in the book to try and talk me out of going back, but I have made my decision.

"Are you sure about this? It is along time until Christmas break and we can see you again," he pouts, his red hair falling in his solomn face.

"I'm sure Ron. I have to go back and take my NEWTS, but it is only a year and we can write often," I remind him for the hundredth time.

"Well, I'll miss you," he says awkwardly. That is a good way to describe out relationship lately, awkward...and boring.

"I'll miss you too," I tell him, giving him a hug. He pulls back and plants a soft, dry kiss on my lips. I try my hardest to fill the short kiss with sparks, but all I manage is a dull heat.

"Come on Hermione, we need to get on the train," says Ginny. She has tears running down her pink cheeks and her lips are swollen and moist from her and Harry's goodbye kiss. A spike of jealousy at their still loving relationship. Harry looks miserable and has a death grip on her hand. She gives him another quick kiss and then steps onto the scarlet train.

"Bye Hermione," says Harry, his voice thick and scratchy.

"Bye Harry. Bye Ron," I say.

"Bye," he responds in a whisper.

I turn and follow Ginny onto the train. She has already found a compartment and has stowed away her trunk. I shove mine in next to hers and take a seat across from her. She is still sniffling so I turn my face to look out the window. I watch the crowd as it thins and as families wave goodbye to loved ones and then disappear as the train slides out of the station.

Half way to Hogwarts, I leave to go the the first compartment where I will find out my head girl duties and find out who the head boy is. My stomach tightens a bit as I get closer, after all, I will be stuck working with this person all year. But when I slide open the glass door and walk in, the only person there is the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Lorean. He has long dark hair that he secures in a ponytail at the base of his neck and a tan, square face. His ice blue eyes lock on me and a warm smile stretches across his handsome face.

"Ah, miss Granger, right on time. I wish I could say the same for your partner Mister... Ah here he is now," says the Professor, his eyes sliding away from my face to look at the person who just opened the glass door and walked in.

"Sorry I'm late Professor," he says in a smooth, quiet voice that slides over my skin, making me freeze. You have got to be kidding me!

"Hi Granger," he continues after addressing the professor. I don't turn around, I don't have to. I know who is standing right behind me, so close that his warm breath is brushing over my neck.

"Malfoy," I say as my only form of greeting.

"Please have a seat, both of you," says Professor Lorean.

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