First Appointment.. I'm Nervous

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I don't know how Paul didn't notice, probably cuz he's still half asleep. Oh my goodness I am getting super excited for this, slightly nervous about the appointment though.

I get out and dressed in some Nike shorts and one of Paul's t-shirt so he can't notice the bump, and also because it smells like him and is super comfy.

I walk back into our room to find Paul still laying on the bed probably trying to go back to sleep and I jump on the bed surprising him.

"You can't stay in bed all day Babe." I say as I peck his lips quickly.

"I can and I will. You should too."

He says as he grabs my hips and I squeal as he flips us so that he's got me trapped between his body and the bed and normally I wouldn't care at all, except I'm gonna be late for my appointment.

He leans down slowly just to tease me so I bring my legs around his waist so I can flip him when he's least expecting hehe. Right before his lips touch mine I use my body weigh and flip him over, the look of surprise on his face is priceless and I can't help but bust out laughing.

"Sorry Baby but I can't. I promised Emily." He pouts but I kiss him and it makes it better, and he finally lets me up.

I say goodbye to him just in time when I hear Emily's horn honk and I'm out the door. I jump in the car apologizing to Em and we make our way to Seattle.

"Did you ever have dreams about like what your family could be in a couple years?" I randomly ask Emily since I've been dwelling on the dream I had this morning like all day.

"No, wait actually I think I have. Like the dreams that seem so real and you're with your imprint and kids. Right?"

"That's exactly it! I had one this morning before you called! It was so real feeling that's why I had forgotten everything when you called, I was super confused." She just laughs at me so I look at her weird.

"I could tell on the phone, luckily I thought to not say 'doctors appointment' since Paul could hear me."

By this time we've made it to the woman's clinic that Emily goes too, I think I might be seeing her same doctor as well. We walk in and it's nothing like I expected, there aren't any pictures of babies or pregnant ladies, just really beautiful pictures of landscapes and flowers.

"Here to check in?" One of the nurses say behind the desk, making jump since I hadn't noticed her.

"Uh yes. Scarlett Cameron."

She nods her head and finds my appointment and directs me to which waiting room and Emily and I walk the short distance before we sit down and wait for my name to be called. My leg was jumping up and down so quick Emily finally put her hand down on it so that I'd stop.

"Sorry. I'm just super nervous.."

"It's okay. I understand, but everything will be just fine.


The nurse calls and I stand up and motion for Emily to come with me. I know I'm old enough but I'm just really freaking out! The nurse takes my weight and shows us to a room where we can wait for the doctor to come in. About ten minutes later she shows up, thankfully she was quick cuz I wouldn't have been able to wait any longer.

"Hi Scarlett. I'm Doctor Gray and I believe we're just looking at your baby today correct?"

Dr Gray seems pretty young, but nice so I'm a bit more comfortable and I nod my head in answer to her question.

"There's no reason to be nervous. It's going to be painless and we're just seeing how far along you are."

"Okay. I usually don't get this nervous but since it's my first I don't know what to expect."

She smiles and says she understands and then tells me to lay back on the table/bed thingy and to lift up my shirt. I lift it up to see my little bump again and can't help the giant grin that spreads across my face and Emily starts to giggle at how 'cute I am with a baby bump'.

"Now this will be a little cold-fair warning." Dr Gray says with a smile as she puts some blue jelly stuff on my stomach and smears it around.

My nose crinkles up at how cold the stuff really is. Next she turns on the ultrasound machine and places the thing against my bare belly, and I start to freak seeing an empty screen still..

"Don't worry it just seems like your baby is a bit camera shy. You never know where they can be hiding."

Dr Gray says as she moves it around slowly making sure she didn't miss my baby, she moves it to the far left side almost touching my scars when we start to see a little white body hanging out. I gasp and cover my mouth as tears come to my eyes I–I can't believe it. It's my baby..

"There's your baby Scarlett! And from what I can see they're very healthy so far." She says with a smile, as a giant grin crosses my face and the tears flow freely.

"By the looks of it you're about 5-6 weeks along. And I'd say you're due date could be about August 13th but that might change the farther you get in the pregnancy."

She says as she wipes the goo off of me and prints pictures of my ultrasound, and she also writes an appointment card and sends us on our way. We get back into the car and I can't help but open the envelope to see the pictures of my baby again.

"I'm really happy for you Scar. This is going to be so exciting!!" Emily cheers next to me as we head back to La Push.

All I can think about the entire way back is that's its really happening.. Paul and I are having a baby and I'm so damn excited!

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