Family Talk

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By the time we're done in the baby store, we decide to waste more time and start our Christmas shopping! We go to multiple stores and I get everyone a little something.

For Jared a got him a gift card for the tech store here in La Push and a special made leather bracelet with the Quillute words for brother and sister with intertwining vines.

For Emily I had to get her some more baby clothes and booties, with a gift card to the furniture store for her baby's room, and it's also Sam's gift since I don't know him well enough to get him his own gifts.

Embry and Quil I got them both gift cards to go buy some new clothes since they're still in school and can't walk around half naked like the rest of the boys.

Jake was kinda difficult, since we never see him around I never know what he wants so I decided on another special made dream catcher this time with best friends carved around it, also in Quillute, with a wooden wolf charm and a smaller dream catcher for Nessie.

For Paul I decided I'll make my gift to tell him I'm pregnant, but I just won't give it to him just yet, so I found a picture of Paul, Jared, and I from when we were little all smiling together and so I made a copy for Jared and Paul and that'll also be their gifts. And I put an IOU in Paul's gift for the surprise.

After we get all our gifts we decide it's a good time to head home, and with Emily being 5 months pregnant she has very little energy. We get home and all the boys are still out except Leah who is making cookies in the kitchen.

Ever since Emily became pregnant Leah has been less harsh to everyone, I think it also helps that she's in Jake's pack too, but she's been here helping out a lot as well.

"Hey Leah!" I say as I carry most of our bags into the living room, and Emily goes to help Leah with the baking as I go to put away the clothes.

Emily and Sam have already started on the nursery, but they have it painted a neutral light green color on two of the walls and the other two are just plain white. I got them that gift card because Sam hasn't had time to go and find a cot for the baby, or a changing table either so that'll help them.

I start to take the clothes from the bags, and start to fold them. I keep the tags on them just in case they don't fit and we can take them back. I get half way through the stack when I feel arms wrap around my waist and I can't help but smile knowing it's Paul and that I haven't seen him in forever.

"Hey Babe." I say smiling as I continue folding.

"Hey Love." He says as he kisses my neck and he takes his hands off my waist to pick up a onesie Emily bought saying, 'I get my looks from my mom', he chuckles.

"This is cute. Is it for you?" I end up dropping whatever I was folding in shock. He couldn't know could he?

"What?!" I turn around to look at him shock evident on my face. He just laughs at me and I release a breathe I didn't know I was holding.

"I'm kidding Babe! I know you went shopping for Emily's baby. She told us when we all got here." Holy crap did that scare the shit out of me!

"But we definitely have to get you one of these when we have kids. Cuz they will get all their looks from you." He says kissing my temple as I went back to folding and again I stopped mid fold, did he just say he does want kids?

"Where did that come from?" He's never talked about having kids before—this was so out of the blue...

"Well I don't know. We're engaged now and I guess I just started thinking about how my life will be when I get to marry the most beautiful girl on the planet!" I smile at how cute he can be, and am kinda surprised he was thinking of all that stuff.

"So you want to start a family then?" He tilts his head in confusion, and just kinda looks at me.

"Well why wouldn't I?" I bite my bottom lip nervous of his reaction when I bring up his parents.

"Well with the way our families turned out I thought you would've been against it. And really before Claire started hanging around because of Quil, you never really liked babies or toddlers either."

"Scar we aren't our parents. The things that they let happen to themselves and to their families aren't going to happen to us. We lived through that hell and know what it's like so we wouldn't put our kids through that."

"I probably wouldn't have thought of kids or even thought to propose to you if I knew we would just end up like my parents or yours even. You're my imprint. I will love you forever and there is no way that will ever change."

Well that was a lot easier then I expected it to be. I still can't tell him until after the battle that's what really kills me, definitely now that I know he wants kids...

I smile and kiss him wrapping my arms around his neck and his our on the table behind me trapping me to him, not that I'm complaining or anything. His hands slip up my shirt when we are interrupted by someone clearing their throat...of course it's my brother..

"What?" Paul and I ask at the same time and I giggle slightly, it's funny when we do that.

"Emily has dinner ready so if you guys want any food you'd better get down stairs." He says smirking at us, loser he likes interrupting us.

"Alright alright, we're coming." I say as I pull Paul's hand and he pouts slightly, but hey I'm hungry, stupid hormones..

It's nice to have the boys back at the house and not running their tails off (haha that's punny), we all need a break in our crazy lives.

Hopefully this will be our last battle and we can finally start our lives, well it'll be the last battle for me because of the baby but it's worth it!

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