The Immortal Princess - Chapter 4

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Lizzie Alsop


Chapter 4

For the first time in two weeks, the feeling of utter hopelessness overwhelmed me. It was as if my mind, body and spirit couldn't help me any longer so they surrendered, giving up any hope. My head felt heavy and my eyes were red and stinging. My throat felt as if I had eaten needles and ripped it to shreds. So it was no surprise that I couldn't talk. But even if I could, what would I say? There wasn't anything left in me except the need for revenge....and answers. A million questions practically shouted out in my head. Where did Tyler take Miya? Why would he take her? How do I get Miya back? How can I seek revenge on the one person I had come to rely upon, even love?

I mentally sighed. Just when I had finally let down my guard and started to feel comfortable, the one person that helped me keep a stable life betrays me and takes off with my sister. Why? I had to stop asking these questions. I knew what I had to do now and asking questions was not going to help me get her back. I had to train. It would be my last motivator if it meant I kept Miya from danger.

Getting out of the security of my bed covers, only one thought replayed through my mind, 'If he has hurt Miya, all of hell will pay the price.'

Making my way to the new training ground was easy enough. It was 3 o'clock on a Thursday morning so most of the locals were sleeping, save for a few young people walking home from a party or the local bar. I made it in no more than 15 minutes and walked through the antique double doors. Once this stunning place felt like somewhere I could come to love but now it only reflected my mood back to me. Cold, focused and deadly. The room had been changed. The old furniture was gone and now there was training equipment placed in various places around the room. I could see hurdles placed in an uncoordinated line, each a different height and width. Their was a spot for weights and a spot made up for yoga. When I first started training I thought it was hilarious how we had to do yoga, but I soon learned it was to focus the mind and learn to draw energy from your core being.

Along the far length of the room, a track had been made on the floor using duct tape. At the end of the track a training dummy was set up, a pair of boxing gloves hanging around it's neck by a string. Next to it was a small stand where 3 small daggers were placed.

I had no doubt that Tyler had done this after our last encounter here. He must have come back after I left. My memory of him was now clouded with judgements and accusations. I wanted to say that I still had the same heart as I did before but his sudden betrayal was like ice closing over my once-warm heart.

Drawing in a deep breath was like drawing in the memory of my last visit. Tyler's secure arms wrapped around my curved hips and his soft, enthralling voice. I allowed myself a minute to dwell on the passed event. On the one time that I felt truly invincible, in Tyler's embrace. But dark thoughts forever crowded my mind and turned everything that was beautiful ugly. I drew strength from somewhere deep inside of me and wiped my mind of everything. If I was to stay focused I needed to forget my feelings and become a deadly object, a knife. And not just any other knife but the knife that would kill Tyler.

So with a blank mind I started the first training session I have ever had alone. After an easy 4 hours I had already done yoga, hurdles, weights and a frighteningly large amount of laps down the track. I was covered in a light sweat but it was nothing compared to the amount I usually had covering my tanned skin. Standing in front of the dummy it was easy enough to visualise it as Tyler. The pain and anger in that moment gave me an extra boost as my fist shot out and connected with the dummies face. My hand drew back and it bought satisfaction with it. So over and over, I attacked the dummy as if it could fight back.

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