Chapter 30- Part 1

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Tyler declared his words, then he lifted his gun and  placed his finger on the trigger slowly, as he tried to savor every second of this moment.

He breathed out a slow and easy breath and soon a loud *BANG!* was heard around the room, followed by dead silence.

*Third person's pnt. of view*

Sarah woke up in a daze to find herself face-to-face with a picture that made her heart stop. Tyler was standing up with his face all bloody, aiming a gun at a restricted Damien.

His eyes were glazed over with anger as he spoke some bitter words to Damien.

"You know Damien, it didn't have to come down to this, although I will enjoy killing you. But at least I will finally get back what is mine."

When he was done saying that, he turned his head in Sarah's direction and she quickly closed her eyes, as his gaze fell on her, then he continued " I gave her enough freedom, but now it's time for daddy to come home, and this time, baby girl will not be going anywhere. I gave her an opportunity to live her life, but of course she had to go out and be a whore, and even had the audacity to have a child with you."

At that moment, Sarah wanted to lash out at him, but instead she kept calm, hoping Tyler wouldn't notice that she was awake.

Then he turned back to Damien as he said "but don't worry, that daughter of yours will be joining you soon. AND YOU CAN BOTH ROT IN HELL FOR ALL I CARE!"

As Tyler declared his words, Sarah opened her eyes, she slowly reached for the gun next to her without being noticed, and when Tyler lifted his gun and placed his finger on the trigger slowly, seeming ready to end Damien's life...


Sarah took the shot aiming for his head, piercing a bullet straight through his brain.

Tyler didn't even get a chance to blink, as his body collapsed to the floor.

Sarah instantly aimed the gun at the guy holding Damien and he quickly released his choke hold on Damien, his eyes wide with fear.

Damien got up to assist Sarah, but as soon as she got up, she let out a painful cry and Damien instantly sat her down, and soon a river of blood pooled under Sarah, coming from her vagina.

Damien freaked out as he went to the table where they kept their belongings and fished out his phone quickly dialing 911. But then he suddenly ended the call when he realized that he didn't know his location.

He fished his mind trying to figure out how to find out his location when it came to him. He opened his "my location" on his phone, and soon it showed them where they were.

He once again dialed 911 with shaky fingers as he ran back to Sarah, who seem to be in deafening pain.

Once Damien's call was answered, he blurted everything all in one breath, but all in vain since the operators had him repeat everything once again.

Afterwards Damien provided them with the address. Turns out they were just a few miles out of New York.

Once he got off the phone after the operator assured that the officials were on their way, Damien grabbed Sarah's hand and kissed it as he wiped some sweat from her forehead, as Sarah developed a sudden fever.

He looked deeply in her eyes as he spoke "I'm so sorry baby. Please forgive me."
Sarah smiled faintly as she said "sorry for what? This isn't your fault."
" I know baby, but I made a mistake." He spoke softly.
"Oh?" Sarah questioned.
"I should've done this a long time ago. Sarah I know this is not the right place or time, but will you marry me? Here and now? We'll take care of the paperwork later. I love you so much that it is unexplainable. I know that in the past I hardly demonstrated my feelings for you, but I was a blind idiot back then, but I love you more than anything. I love our daughter because you brought her into this world. You are special to me. Please be mine forever?" He begged, his eyes showing pure sincerity.
Sarah smiled as she said " of course I'll be your wife Damien, and you know I love you too, and you're MY blind idiot. I care for you so much more than you could ever imagine, even though you are sometimes a pain in the arse. I will always love you."

A smile took place on Damien's lips, as he dipped his head kissing Sarah, but when they pulled apart Jade crossed Sarah's mind, and she tugged on Damien's arm as she whispered "Jade" Her throat suddenly dry as a desert.

With Damien not wanting to leave Sarah alone, he picked her up carefully in a bridal style and cuddled her to his chest, as if she would leave him if he held her less tightly, then they headed over to where Jade was.

They found Lucas trying to stop Jade's bleeding who was currently passed out on the floor.

Lucas looked up at Jade's parents,  sweat running from his brow, as he noticed the blood from Sarah. His eyebrows rose in surprise, knowing that Sarah's baby could be in danger due to the amount of blood she was losing, and Lucas could tell that Sarah was in pain, for it was written all over her face.

Damien placed Sarah down gently, then rushed to Jade's side, examining her body.

He noticed that her shoulder was bandaged, and Lucas was in the process of wrapping her knee, when they heard sirens outside.

Soon the basement was flooded with officials and paramedics.  Jade and Sarah were the first to be strapped up on the stretcher and the paramedics made the  decision to carry the girls back on the helicopter, because they were both losing a lot of blood, and they were both in critical condition.

Damien and Lucas accompanied the girls in the helicopter, leaving  the officials to clean out the scene of the shoutout, take the remaining guards into custody, and carry out the dead bodies, including that of Tyler's.

For he was finally dead. Once and for all.


Hey guys!

So change of plans, I  realized that the last chapter would be too long, so I've decided to break it is into two parts.

Part two will be up soon.

I hope you guys enjoyed, and once again thank you all sooo much for the support.

I appreciate the votes, comments, the opinions, and most but definitely not least those who follow me.

You guys are awesome! 😄😄☺☺.

I do however want to apologize for not being able to update sometimes because I get caught up, or become sick, but either way, I will still try my best to please you guys.

Anyways, let me know what you think by VOTING, COMMENTING, AND SHARING.

Lots of ❤ ❤ ❤


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