Eight: Twisted Games

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Flash's POV
Electroshock, what a wonderful way to destroy as soul. I thought.
The amount of suffering August must be going through is unimaginable. Her mind being rearranged, the electricity taunting her free will to think. Now, whenever she will think, she will no longer be herself. I was afraid of who she might be.
Deadshot was walking a couple feet in front of me, his monocle on his eye as it scanned our surroundings. We haven't seen a zombie in a while, which was a good sign. I guess... Unless they come all at once again, like an army of half-dead cannibals.
Once in a while, I would look down at August, to make sure she was okay. I would pray for a sign she was awaking, the flinch of her nose, the movement of her eyes under her shut eyelids. But I got nothing.
Deadshot and I reached the end of the hallway, and there was nothing there. Just a brick wall from the floor to the ceiling.
"This is it." He muttered, taking his monocle off. "We walked all this way for nothing." He sighed. The tall man leaned against the wall, and his weight seemed to push the wall open, revealing a hidden passage way.
"Or not..." I muttered, following him through the corridor. The hall way was much darker than the others, dimly lit by crappy lights hanging from the ceiling.
Deadshot's POV
At the end of the passageway was a ladder. I tried to see where it lead to, but it went so far down that I was unable to see what was down there.
"You stay here, and make sure she's safe." I said, slipping my white mask on. I put on my monocle, before beginning my descent down the ladder.
It probably took me a solid 5 minutes to finally reach the bottom, and I could barely see the top anymore.
I pointed my shotgun upwards, ready to fire at anything that got in my way. The walls down here were damp, and I was constantly stepping in puddles.
I reached the end of the corridor, and there were large metal doors. It had a keypad beside it, as it needed a password to be opened.
But I didn't have the password.
I pointed my gun at the keypad and shot it, and the two metallic doors slid open. In the room, was Joker, and the familiar small female figure named Harley.
"Welcome to the party!" He said, waving his arms about. "We're glad you made it!"
"Floyd!" The blonde shrieked, running over to me to give me a hug, but before she made contact with me, I pointed my shotgun at her.
"Disarm the bomb." He demanded.
Harley's arms went up in the air, and her expression fell depressingly.
"Hey, hey, hey." Said Joker, walking towards Harley and I. He stands in front of her, my gun now pointed at him. He placed his finger on the tip of my guns barrel, and lowered it until it pointed to the floor. "Don't be a party pooper." He frowned. "Join us! Watch as we destroy the city that hates you. And everyone in it. Including the Bat." He said, as Harley's arms lowered. "Isn't that what you want? You want to kill the bat?" He said. I began to realize he was right. "Once you think about it, we are on the same side." He began to walk off, towards the panel of screens he had. On one screen, there was surveillance video of Flag and Killer Croc breaking into the room where the bomb supposedly was. Another screen showed Captain and Katana fighting off some cranks, standing almost no chance against them.
"Think about it...Floyd." He said, putting a hand on my shoulder, his head close to my ear. "They have no chance anyways."
Then my eyes settled on the screen that showed the Flash, sitting against a wall, August in his arms. And that's when I snapped out of the Jokers twisted game.
"Only my friend's call me Floyd." I muttered, before elbowing the pale man in the face. He was taken aback, but he soon fought back, his fist colliding with my face. I didn't move, but instead I grabbed his arm and flipped him until he fell onto his back. I put my foot on his chest, holding him down as Harley began to attack me. I elbowed her in the head, knocking her clean out. She fell to the floor, beside her clown.
"Sorry Dollface." I said to her unconscious body.
"Not so sorry for you." I looked at the Joker. He flashed a smile, before I kicked him in the head, knocking him out as well.
I pulled out my walkie-talkie, and press the button on the side before I begin talking into it.
"Flag this is Deadshot, do you copy? Over." I said. I got an instant reply.
"Yeah I copy, over."
"How's the bomb doing? Over." I asked.
"We finally got in, it's huge. I don't know how we are going to disarm this thing. Over." He replied.
"I'll be there soon. I got our happy couple. Knocked clean out. Over." After that, I shut the walkie-talkie off and picked up their limp bodies, laying them on a gurney. I wheeled them back to the ladder, where I shouted for the Flash.
"Hey speedy!" I yelled.
"Yeah?" He called down.
"I'm going to tie a rope to these suckers, I need help pulling them!" I said, before unhooking a long piece of rope from my belt and tying it around the handles of the gurney. I made sure it was safe for them to be lifted, before I grabbed the other end of the rope and began climbing. Once I got to the top, the Flash and I began to pull the gurney up. Once it reached us, I dragged it over the edge towards us.
"Let's go find the other's, and disarm that shit."

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