Chapter Two

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"Does Stacey Reynolds live here?" Brax spoke as he peered inside the house, searching for a clue of Stacey's presence in the house.

"Who's asking?" The woman frowned and Heath half smiled.

"My names Heath and this is my brother Brax" Heath itroduced himself.

"Braxton?" The woman said put loud and Brax looked curious.

"She does live here then?" He pushed and the woman nodded.

"But she's out right now" Amy looked at both men and they seemed to understand what she was getting at. There was someone in the house who didn't need to know they were looking for Stacey.

"Here call us when she's back and it's safe" Heath whispered as he quickly wrote his number on the palm of Amy's hand. Amy nodded firmly and closed the door.

"Well it's safe to say her family still don't like you" Heath laughed, but soon stopped when he saw his brothers serious expression.

"Yeah and the fact she has told that woman about me means Stace is still trying to get away" Brax frowned "I should never have let her go with them"

"And if you didn't they would have killed you and her, you didn't have a choice mate"

"I should have come after her sooner" Brax exhaled and Heath took a deep breath.

"Well you're here now mate, that's what's improtant. That and the fact she wants to see you" Heath reassured his brother.


"Here he gave me his number, well his brother did. He's hot would you mind if I..." Amy smirked and Stacey laughter out.

"What Heath? Yeah okay, good luck with that by the way" Stacey chuckled before dialling the number written on Amy's hand "Yeah it's me" she said to the voice on the other end of the phone.


Brax just stood still as he heard her speak, his heart raced and he had found himself paralysed "Brax, are you still there?"

"Yeah I'm here" Brax shook himself out of his trance and looked at Heath "Right, yeah I'll be there" Brax hung up the phone and turned to his brother "She wants to meet me, now"


Stacey sat on the bench, her heart was racing as she watched passers by, she took some deep breaths to try and steady her nerves. Perhaps he won't turn up, then suddenly on the distance she caught a glance of a familiar face.

He had the same dark hair, same green eyes, same muscular build, the same blood and sand tattoo he had around his collarbone, that she had remember reading with her fingertips many times "Brax" she managed.

Brax smiled a little as he got closer to her, he wasn't surprised to feel her crash into his arms. He cacooned her tightly in his arms, almost consuming her entire frame. She was alot smaller than he remembered.

All the love they felt for each other had come back, they were reminded of how they had once lived for each other "I'm sorry Stace..."

"Don't" Stacey sniffed "Come let's go somewhere away from prying eyes"

Brax walked beside Stacey, the first thing he noticed was how tired and drained she looked. They weren't looking after like they said they would. They weren't doing a better job than him, why hasn't they made her see someone? All these thoughts rushed around in Brax's head as he followed Stacey towards an apartment block. It wasn't the same one he had visited before "Where are we going?"

"This is my escape" Stacey unlocked and then opened the door. The apartment was small but incredibly modern and minimalistic "They dont know about this place. Can I get you a drink?"

Brax nodded, He was curious as to how Stacey had managed to keep this place secret from her family. But then me remembered she had managed to keep him a secret from her family for years "Erm yeah beer please" He pointed towards the beer bottle Stacey had in her hand.

Stacey nodded and opened the beer for Brax, she handed it to him and sat down "So why did you call?" Brax wondered and Stacey looked at the ground "Stace, what's going on? why call? why now?"

"I don't know, I just..." Stacey frowned.

"Nah there was a reason, tell me" Brax snapped "Stace..."

"Alright, I can't do this anymore. I cant pretend I'm okay and that I don't miss you or want to be with you. My Dad has arranged someone...a doctor from a good family..."

"Arranged, what?" Brax was a mixture of confused and horrified "You mean marriage?"

"Yeah" Stacey nodded "But I don't want to..."

"You don't have to, come back with me and Heath" Brax suggested and Stacey hesitated.

"Are you crazy? They'll kill you if..." Stacey gasped.

"So you don't want my help...then why the hell did you call me? Was you hoping for my blessing? That I'd tell you to marry him? Huh" Brax yelled "Stace I..."

"Don't do that..." Stacey sniffed.

"Do what?" Brax shopped his head, unsure what Stacey meant.

"Don't look at me as though I'm all you need" Stacey frowned and Brax moved closer to her "Brax please..."

"You are all I need, I still love ya Stace" Brax moved some hair away from Stacey's eyes, before moving forwards to kiss her.

Stacey resisted for a moment, before finally giving in to him. Brax leaned over Stacey as she laid down under him.


Amy was surprised to be woken from her nap by pounding on the door "WHERE IS SHE?" A taller man yelled as he barged through the door when Amy opened it.

"She's gone out" Amy replied.

"Who was here earlier?" the man was threatening "It was him wasn't it? Daryl Braxton?"

"Who? no" Amy didn't lie too convincingly, she cried out as the man grabbed her hair and pulled it back "Ow Stop it"

"I know you lying to me" The man yelled again, before hitting her hard across her face.


"So what happens now?" Brax exhaled as he traced Stacey's spine with his fingertips as she laid in his arms. They were both tangled in the White bedsheets "I can't leave you again..."

"I don't know what to do..." Stacey looked up into Brax's eyes.

"Come with us, come back to Summer Bay with me" Brax replied hopefully "I can keep you safe there"

Stacey smiled weakly and kissed Brax gently "Okay" she whispered.

"Yeah" Brax grinned and Stacey nodded, He rolled on top of her again in between kisses.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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