Chapter 1

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Next up is Cassidy riding Remington's Fire! Remi and I came down the shoot full speed! We spin around the first like a breeze, the second was even better. As we rounded the third I held his reins between his ears and we flew! We were no longer in the arena we were flying to our wildest dreams!
All to soon the run was over, 17.236 seconds to be exact. After the rest of the riders ran I listened with crossed fingers to hear the placings.
In third we have Kacy Meringer on Babyflo! In second we have Maryanne Harrington on Lil Ringer! And finally, the moment we've all been waiting for first place goes to...Cassidy Sabral on Remington's Fire!!! I scream and pump my fist as I gallop Remi around the arena! I go to the judges stand and they present my awards, a custom breastcollar with Remi's full name stamped onto it, a belt buckle with a paper to get our names put on it, and finally my advancement certificate to state!
As soon as I can I run out of the arena and hug my two bestest friends, Maddisyn and Miranda. They congratulate me and after taking care of Remi together head off to find our seats.
Roping is the next event we watch. As the teams pass we come to tie down. The last contestant, a Jakob Contraz, wins the event. As I stare at his beautiful face my friends tease and poke me.
He looks so familiar. I think to myself.
"Go talk to him!" Says Maddi.

"Yeah otherwise I will." Responds Mimi.

"No I don't want a guy in my life right now. School and my horse are more important." I say to them both. But in my head I think of what I might say...

"I'm gonna go get Remi ready to go home." I say to my friends.

As I walk to Remi I so preoccupied thinking about Jakob that I don't even notice that he's walking towards me not paying attention either. We collide and before I fall he catches me in his arms.

And he says to me and winks: "If I didn't know any better I'd say you were fallin for me. "😉

I blush then get a confident look and say: "Maybe I was." ☺️➡️😎

J:Well hope to see you around, partner.

Me:Me too!

J:Wait I didn't catch your name!

Me: It's Cassidy but you can call me Casi

J: Nice to meet you Casi! I'm Jakob. But to you call me Jak!

Me: ok Jak bye!

J: Bye!❤️
He made a heart with his hands.

I check Remi and run back to my friends.
C=me; M=Maddi; B=Mimi
C: omg omg! Guess what!!!!!
M&B: WHAT?!?
C: I just ran into Jakob Contaz!!!!
M: omg that's not fair!!
B: yeah
C: no I literally ran into him!!
M&B: oh my!
B: what happened?!?
C: he caught me and asked me my name.
M: awe😍😍😍
C: NO I will not make him my boyfriend! I barely know him and I don't have time for relationships!
M&B: but he's soooo hot!
M: you have to go after that!
C: I don't even know if he lives anywhere near me. People come from all over the place for these rodeos.
B: then ask him.
C: if it's meant to be we'll meet again. I'll ask him then.
M: you know this is why you never have a relationship.
C: whatever.


We get home get Remi comfortable then go to sleep. All the while I'm still thinking bout him.
No I am not dating anyone right now. Are my last thoughts before falling into a dreamless sleep.

Hey guys!! So this is my first romance!!!! I need comments votes and views!! Tell me what y'all think!!!! Please!!! Thanks guys!!!!!

The Roper and the Racer **Finished**Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant