Chapter 7: Hoshi's First Date

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I was mostly laughing at Hoshi while eating brunch. He was very messy while eating that I couldn't laugh at him cutely. We are at this cafe, we ordered croissant sandwiches.

"Need help cleaning yourself?," I laughed.

He pouted, "Maybe."

"Here," I grabbed my napkin and stood up to dab the napkin on his face.

He was staring at me the whole time, I felt a bit uncomfortable. I cleaned off the crumbs on his face. I placed a kiss on two of my fingers than touched his lips.

I laughed at his sad puppy form. He's being really cute. Sat back down and finished my lemonade I ordered. We finished up and payed for the bill. We decided to wonder around the shops. Then Hoshi grabbed my hand and started running towards one of the shops. He had a huge smile on his face.

"Where are we going?," I asked while panting.

"Here, ta da!~," we stopped and he released my hand to do jazzy ones towards the store.

It was a toy store. At the display widows were those big teddy bears.

"OMO!!!," I basically screamed.

I ran inside the shop. I found a whole row of the giant bears. I threw myself onto one of them. They were soft and a bit cold.

Hoshi walked over to me and just laughed.

"Are you gonna date the bear instead of me now?," he laughed.

"Hell yes!!!," I replied while hugging the bear.

He sighed,"Well we have to head to the practice room if we wanna continue our plans."

"Nu uh!," I complained like a little kid, still hugging the bear.

"C'mon~" he cooed.

"I don't want to go yet!," I started to laugh.

"Fine, I guess we'll have to do this the hard way," he said.

"What's tha- Ahhh!!!," I screamed when he picked me up from the bear.

He put me over his shoulder like I was a sack of potatoes. I started kicking and hitting him, while laughing. Once we were out of the store, he carefully moved me around so that I was clinging onto his back. It felt like a piggy back ride. Let's just say I was being childish all the way back.


He brought us back to the building where we were at this morning. He casually walked passed the front lobby to the elevators with me on his back. We headed for the practice room on the fourth floor. Once we were in the practice room, he dropped me onto a bean bag chair they had laying around.

"K I'm gonna get my speakers and come back," Hoshi said.

"K k!~," I replied.

He grinned and ran out he door. I took out my phone and started playing a game.

He came back within minutes, breathing heavily.

"Back," he panted.

He started walking over to a stand and put on some music.

"Omg...," my jaw dropped whole watching him.

I started giggling when his short flew up a few times. Once the music stopped, I started applauding for him. He laughed as he walked over to me. He spread his arms wide as if asking for a hug. I giggled and jumped into his arms.

"That was awesome!," I praised him in his arms.

"Thank you, I got like 2 hours of dancing to do. Afterwards we can go ice skating," he looked down at me and smiled.

"Ok," I said as he released from the hug and went back to dancing.


Its been almost 2 hours and Hoshi was still dancing. He took off his shirt halfway through because he said that it was too hot for him. To be fair, he was sweating a bit, but that only made him hotter.

The music stopped for the hundredth time and I applauded for the hundredth time. He laughed and walked over to me with his little towel. I couldn't help but stare at his flawless body.

"You ready?," he asked me, which snapped me back to reality.

"Y-yea," I replied awkwardly.

He chuckled, noticing my nervousness. He started taking steps towards me while I started walking back.

My back hit the wall as Hoshi placed a hand by my head so I couldn't escape.

"Do you want me to go like this?," he whispered by my ear.

He presence was sending chills throughout my body. His breath tickling my ear, his face was so close to mine, and it doesn't help either since he's topless! I found my heart beating a bit too loud, I swear that he could hear it. I found him staring at my lips as I did the same with his. He started leaning forward. I closed my eyes and prepared myself. I waited for about a few seconds, but felt nothing at my lips. I still had my eyes closed and decided to wait a a few more seconds. I felt his lips grazing my cheek for a bit. Then he finally placed a kiss on my right cheek.

My eyes fluttered open, even though it wasn't what I was hoping for, but it was nice. He has very soft lips. I looked at him and let out a small laugh. He was turned away putting on his shirt. He spun around and flashed his handsome smile.

"You know, I don't give out a kiss on the first date. You only get a peck on the cheek if you're lucky enough," he laughed.

I laughed, "You're still treating me out for ice skating."

"And you're treating me out for food!~," he retorted.

I laughed. I skipped over to where he was at by the door and took his hand. We headed for the elevator and went out to get food and to ice skate.

(A/N: Hi!!!~ I really hope you guys like this, even if its not as long as the others. ╥﹏╥ I'm trying my best to update while school is happening. I'll b asking for some of my readers if they'll like to b part of the story, so look forward to that. I'll give more details when the time comes. K that's pretty much it, I hope this is good enough for u guys. Bye!!!~ Saranahae!!!~ ❤❤❤)

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