please dont die

Start bij het begin

I gave poppy a break of watching over (y/n) allowing her to get a little sleep.  I grabbed (y/n) hand it was cold her body tempter got lower everyday promfrey said she letting go she isnt fighting to come back.  "Please miss (L/N) wake up dont you let yourself die im sorry if i had gotten there faster maybe just maybe you wouldnt be in here" i whispered nearly breaking into tears i looked around to make sure no one was around before whispering in her ear "i watched you at meals because when i first saw you i felt something pulling me to you i dont understand it but i care about you" i finally let my tears fall placing my lip on her forehead giving her a gentle kiss before returning to a chair i been sitting in i sat there not once taking my eyes off her i watched as smile creeped up on her face but quickly leave "im not crazy" she quietly said she started to wimper i quickly rushed to her side unsure of what to do. "Please belive me" she cried out her voice so ruff "i belive you i dont know what it is but i belive you" i whispered she calmed down after a moment for a second i thought she may have heared me but it soon became clear she hadn't "i love you all" she said.


I was sitting in front of harry mum and dad.  "Okay (y/n) say it with me hawk isnt real star isnt real wolf isnt real you haven't been to hogwarts you werent attack by a troll all of that happened in your head" dad said as he ran his fingers threw his short brown hair his brown eyes stared at me.
I won't repeat anything i know im not crazy i didnt just dream that up i remember everything i thought to myself "come on just repeat dad so we can go on with are life's" harry said i took a close look at harry scanning his face somethings missing from him what is it? Hmmm what a minute.
"Harry where in the bloody hell is your scar?" i asked "(y/n) language" mum said quicker than lightning
"I don't have a scar" harry said i glared "your not Harry my brother has a scar on his forehead and your not my mum and dad there dead!" i yelled my eyes widen as Harry disapered dad seem frantic "bring him back bring him back please" he begged i stared at him i was so confused "james enough we have to let her go she slowly dying here you knew this wasnt going to be forever" mum said "i just wanted a little more time we got so little time with them" he cried "what!?" i yelled beginning to freak out "love were real Harry you dreamed up but we are real you unlocked one of your new powers we just wanted to spend time with you face to face before you had to leave but it is time for you to go" mum explained there real there really real?
"No if your real no i dont want to go i rather stay i lost you two once before not doing it again" i said trying to hold in my tears mum and dad came up to me kneeling down by my side.
"Princess you can't i want you to but you can't you have a life to live" dad said i shook my head no
"What do i have there huh i have no where to go after hogwarts ill most likely be put in a orphanage" i cried "listen to me we never left you or Harry belive me Harry is going to need you if he loses you he lose all hope in life and with your new power you can visit us but be very careful with it using it drain your life out of you if your with us to long" mum said i cried i don't want to leave but Harry i wont  leave him like that "you promise... you will be... with us?" i asked threw my sobs  mum smiled as tears fell down her eyes "always" she said "(y/n) you'll find the answers your looking for in a book called mythical legends volume four youll be able to find it in the libary" dad said they both huged me "we love you and Harry make sure he never forgets that" mum said "i promise hut how do i get out of here" i said wiping my face "make yourself keep telling yourself this place isnt real" mum said "this isnt real this isnt real" i kept repeating but it wasnt working "you gotta truely mean it belive the words your saying prove to your mind this is not real" dad said "this isnt real this house isnt real this perfect life isnt real!" i yelled  as i jumpes up and running to the photos of my happy family and throwing them on the floor i watched as they turned to black smoke i started destroying everything in sight.
~Dream end~

Tomorrow moring most the students will be leaving to go home for Christmas and (Y/N) still hasn't woken up her body is almost as cold as ice poppy said she will most likely go within the night. I sat in the chair i moved next to her bed a grabbed her hand "please don't die" i said looking at her very pal face she start to kick her legs "this isnt real none of this is real" she said as she swung her arms around her hand left mine she started to become more violent with her kicks and swinging as her small little fist went across my face but it was worth it as i saw her eyes open she searched the area and calmed down once her eye locked on to me. "I didnt want to leave" she said in a faint whisper to me i just stared at her "i didnt want to leave them" her voice just a little louder than it was before.
She started to close her eyes but i quicly shook her "dont you dare go back to sleep" i said as i sat up and ran to go tell poppy that she had woken up. 


I watched as snape ran out the room. where he is going? I thought to myself as i yawned i tried to stand up but fell straight to the floor i groaned as i tried to pick myself up. I heard running foot steps coming towards me "where she go?" i heard a women say "down here" i answered i saw madma promfrey came she helped me get myself off the floor and back in bed "what were you thinking trying to get out of bed your far to weak for that" she nagged at me i didnt respond i just looked looked the other way. "How do you feel?" she asked "terrible" i said "rest for now ill have you feeling better in no time" she said as she walked away "thank you" i said before she went out the door she stopped for a moment before leaving i closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

dark soulsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu