chapter nine

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Archer's p.o.v.

We made it to the docks we unpacked the truck and waited for Mariana and Logan to arrive I was sitting next to William on the boat while Alec took position at the wheel and Faye was laying in a sunchair in a black bikini. she looked hot. I was glad I was invited because I get to spend time with her without any of the guys getting suspicious because I hate to say it but I'm actually starting to like her. like like her.

oh I knew it

I hate you brain

you should ask her out

No I can't I don't know if she likes me back

Of course she likes you she asked you to take selfies with her she asked you to stay

True but she didn't tell me about the family stuff bothering her

Give her time

I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard the engine roar to life I looked up from my hands and saw Mariana next to Faye and Logan talking to William. I got bored so I got up and walk over to Alec

"sup dude" I say

"Nothin'. what time is it?"

I looked down at my phone "8:30"


I went to plug my phone into the speaker but it was snatched away by Faye I look at here "Jackson what did I say about snatching?" I asked sound like a teacher talking to a little kid she just ignored me and continued to plug in her I sit down at the foot of her sunchair she looks at me "What Archer?" she asked annoyed I sigh "can I pick at least one song I don't want to listen to your girly music all day" I say she hands me the speaker and her phone I look through her music and end up playing fuck by by Post Malone I give her, her phone we haven't talked much we just hung out I thought about Faye a lot I couldn't keep her out of my head. cheesy I know. We stop at this cute little island we spread out a couple of blankets Faye shared on with Alec since it was their birthday and Logan and I on one and Mariana with William I was eating my sandwich when my phone vibrated I looked at it of course it was Missy

From Missy: wanna come over tonight? Haven't seen my boyfriend in a while xxxx- Misssy

To Missy: Leave me alone I never was and never will be your boyfriend like take a hint we haven't even slept together so back the hell off I don't want you.

From Missy: No need to be harsh babe you will be day<3

To Missy: Leave me alone I'm blocking you

and that is exactly what I did I don't like her and I don't want to be giving faye the wrong impression I put my sandwich in the garbage and threw my phone on the blanket

"someone is in a mood" I heard Faye comment

"Drop it Jackson. I'm going swimming" I say I strip my shirt and jump in soon Alec follows then everyone else. We swim for a while. I swim out further away from the group just to think before I could start thinking I heard the water behind me move and ripples hit my back I turn around and see Faye something about her calms me I feel my hands unfist "hey Jackson what's up" I ask softly she smiles "they just told me to tell you we are going to head to the beach. so let's go" she says waving me over I follow her out of the water I watch Faye as she scales the boat and puts on those cute little towel ponchos that you see little kids in. I put a towel down on my seat and chill till we make it back to the docks we hook up the boat and ride to a parking spot near the beach we all grab a surf boards and the girls grab white rash guards and follow us to the beach everyone heads to the water leaving me and Faye on the beach I drink a bottle of water while Faye applies some more sunscreen she gets every part of her body but her back she turns to me with the sunscreen in her hand "will you get my back" she ask with a sheepish grin "Sure thing sunshine" I answer grabbing the bottle and put some into my hand I start at her shoulders and work my way down I stop at the tie of her top something about her skin sends tingles through me sometimes I jerk my hand back but other times I enjoy the feeling. Wow I am turning into a sap what is she doing to me? I finish off her back and put the sunblock away I walk by her side into the water I paddle out to meet up with the guys Mariana takes a wave and does a few carves but Alec being Alec when he takes a wave he hangs ten the whole time Faye a takes a wave and carves it once her wave comes to a stop she back flips into waist deep water. We surf for a while and it was fun but now I am sitting in a chair with Logan and Faye next to me but Logan can't hear us so it's just silent she looks deep in thought "A penny for your thoughts?" I ask she chuckles dryly

"want to go on a walk?" She ask I nod and follow her to the shore line

"I was thinking about my parents they will not be here for Alec's and mine's birthday" She say sadness going through her voice

"Well I'll be there" I promise her

she shakes her head in amusement "Good.. I'm glad the more the merrier. Right?"

"Yep" I say popping the 'p' I feel my phone vibrate "We should head back it's almost sunset and we are about to head to the diner" she agrees and we walk back in silence but its not uncomfortable it feels natural we meet the guys back at the spot where our stuff was we drive to the diner it was about ten minutes away from the beach we all order hamburgers and fries I hang out at their house when we get back from the beach we all shower three of us at a time in different bathrooms. I text my mom that I am sleeping there and grab my extra overnight bag out of my car I change into fitted black sweatpants I wake up at like three in the morning tired as hell I walk down the stairs and to the kitchen but the light was on I walk in and see Mariana drinking a glass of milk I get some water and talk to her

"Why are you up?" I ask her

"I would ask you the same question"

"no really why?"

"Oh well Faye kicked me off of the bed literally so I just left and came down here"

"oh yeah she is something else bitter one minute sweet the other"

"Your the same way you know you to are a lot alike it's really cute if you ask me"

"No me and Faye we aren't anything I mean she's cool and I like hanging out with her but nothing will happen" I say honestly

"denial" she sings "I see how you look at her and how she looks at you" she adds

"whatever" I say I put my glass in the sink and walk up the stairs

Was she right?

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