Chapter 1

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Aaron's mother was an extremely pushy lady. She always got her own way, which wasn't a surprise really. She was the queen after all.

This morning Aaron's mother had forced Aaron in to a double lecture on history with his younger siblings. It was the first time his youngest sibling had ever heard the histories properly, but for him it was just a recap.

Flicking tiny already scrunched balls of paper in to the back of his brother, James, head seemed to make the dragging time pass a little faster. "Aaron fuck off!" The word flew from James mouth as he turned around to crush the childish behaviour with his icy glare. James was only 18, but he took after their father immediately. His green orbs contrasted against his mid length brown style and his medium build have him the dashing young prince look.

"Aaron, get out." The homeschool teacher glared daggers as he challenged the prince with his tone. Aaron pushed the chair backwards, sitting up from his slouching position in the process and left this class room with a broad smirk plastered on his face. He'd been waiting for this day for a long time.

Twenty two was prime age for a prince of his time, he was dressed in tight black skinny jeans, a white shirt and a navy blue military jacket. His brown hair was styled in fashionable way and his dark eyes melted like chocolate in the sun. He had everything, except his princess.

As soon as he found her, everything would fall in to place. He'd be king and nothing could stop him. He'd read stories on the past queens of his realm. They'd all meet in some wonderful way, sometimes spontaneously and others fought to meet. All completely romantic and exactly what he wanted.

All the stories explained about how this one person was made for you. Made to be your queen, your princess. No king had ruled with out finding his own. As a child he grew up dreaming about her. How she'd be petite, pretty and perfect. A Pea princess or a Cinderella would be sufficient enough, with their daintiness and willingness. Or even a Snow White, with their drop dead gorgeous looks and motherly persona.

Upon opening his bedroom door he found his mother waiting for him. Her long jet black hair and fragile frame were perfectly styled. Her hair was up in a high bun and she was dressed in a straight floor length lilac gown with full length sleeves. Her perfect forest green eyes followed him a he threw his jacket over the dressing table chair near the window. She was sat on his kingsized bed that was placed in the centre of his room. She certainly wasn't a Snow White or a pea princess.

"Aaron, we need to talk." She spoke with the highest of queenly authority's, he moved himself to sit next to her on the bed. "We're talking aren't we?" His voice was filled with curiosity but a hint of sarcasm. "Aaron, enough. I don't care for your tone." The added strength really hit Aaron, he knew his mother was strong but he didn't expect her to go full out on him.

"Your father and I have decided that you are to tour the kingdoms, while out you shall meet many eligible females that we have selected. If not one of them is your princess then we shall arrange a pairing for you. Do you understand." Her extra warning at the end just angered Aaron.

He wasn't a child to be pushed around and cornered in to a decision. He had his own brain and heart, he couldn't be forced to like someone let alone marry them. "Mother, don't you think that's a bit hostile. Even for you." His voice was laced with anger, it came out quite huskily compared to ordinary anger.

He was bound to protect his princess. She was made for him and he wouldn't be pushed away from her.

The queens anger grew in a flash "Aaron, you don't have a choice to make here. You've met many young women and non of them are her. Life doesn't stop. You have to continue, some people never find their princesses." Her eyes shot arrows at him, she raised from the bed and stalked towards the door. Before exiting she turned back to face him "You're going, end of. Our heritage is to great to break because of some silly little boy that can't pull his head out of fairy tales and grow up." And with those final words left hanging in the air she tore the door off its hinges and left swiftly. "We live In fairytales, mother." He muttered after her.

The sun rose of Nydia on the Sunday. Supposedly a day of rest but the young prince was off on his forced journey. He wore his royal military jacket with black skinny jeans and high riding boots. His hair was ruffled instead of styled, he's risen early like the sun so he could be ahead of time. His choice was not to spend to much time in each destination unless he found her.

His mothers words rung fresh in his head. The determination showed in his face. He wasn't backing down, he was going to find her. Nobody would stop that. His bond was stronger than ever with her. He could feel that it was time, she was close and he wasn't letting her slip away.

"Aarie? We be set then?" His faithful cousin spoke as he approached. They were stood in the stable buckling up their horses ready for the ride. "Yes Ethan, we're just waiting for Will." His voice was emotionless and as hostile as his mothers tone was the night before.

His cousin and him were rather similar in looks but personality wise, Ethan had always been the sensibly one where as Aaron and Will both were ruled by pride and adventure. Will was also very similar to the boys, the only major differences as his more feminine features and blonde hair. The two boys exchanged smiles before removing the horses from the stable and towards the castle gates ready to leave.

"Aaron, you need to process that you might not find her." Ethan braved the dreaded topic, he didn't want to be as cold as his cousins mother but he knew that it was needed. "Ethan?" The princes words were questioning and full of hurt. If Ethan didn't believe then the chances were dimming.

They'd grown up together and always supported the dreams and beliefs. Without Ethan's belief then his hope was slimming. "Ummmm." Ethan braved to talk back, knowing he had to stick his ground. "Ethan, I want you to be honest with me. If I don't find her then I want you to take my crown. I have that bond with her and I can't break it. No other woman can be my princess. It feels wrong to just think about not finding her. She's closer than we think, I've always felt it but I can't find her." He rambled before closing the convocation as he saw Will closing in on the boys.

"William Nathaniel Harris, I do hope you haven't been courting thy fair lady. That is no excuse for being late dude." Ethan's patronising tone teased the blonde haired boy and he joined the two. "Katy was very upset that I was departing from her. It seemed unfair to leave her without some form of remembrance for the girl." Will's tone was light and jokey as he mounted his horse "come on lads what are we waiting for! These lady's await!!!"

The tingle in Aaron's spine grew stronger as he crossed the old border. Pulling the reigns on the black stallion, brought it to a holt. His tingles were at the strongest they'd ever been. She was incredibly close. He dismounted the horse swiftly as the lads came to a sudden holt. "Aaron? what are you doing?" Will scrambled off his horse to follow him, in a rather adventurous but clumsy style.

"She's here, I know it. I can feel her." He shouted behind to the two boys. "Don't be ridiculous Aaron." Ethan's voice rang clear. he dismounted his horse in a very sensible style compared to the other boys. "They're hasn't been a girl of royal blood in Quell for around a hundred years. Can we get a move on and stop these childish games. We're not boys anymore, you have to grow up and act your age." The princes cousin snapped suddenly, sounding rather like his uncle.

His stance was rather strong. Stronger than the King to be and very sensible. His Icy, hostile glare challenged his cousin. Aaron sensed this and shot back. "Ethan. Don't talk to me like that. She's here and I'm not leaving until I can hold her, here in my arms. Like Will holds Katy and you'll hold your princess one day. Who are you to tell me any of this bull and stop us from being together. No Ethan, you don't have that power." Anger radiated from the young prince, while his friend raged. He turned his back to the boy and continued to stalk towards the old castle.

"Aaron, calm down!" Will shouted after the prince as stumbled through the woods surrounding the abandoned castle. "Will if your going to tell me to go home then leave. Save all the chivalrous bulshit and fuck off." The anger and hurt was evident in Aaron's tone.

His facial expressions were hidden but physically he was drained. If he could just find her, maybe everything would be okay. "Aaron wait." Will caught up to him once the prince stopped.

"I'm coming with you. We'll find her. Ethan was forced to grow up, his father died and he had to take that role. He'll come round once he's seen the final outcome. Come on then, are we going or what?"

Authors note;

Hi guys! Me again, obviously!!! So I hope you're enjoying this so far, I'm open to criticism and all that jazz.
Anyway I hope you're enjoying my story! Lauren xx

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