"I don't care."

With one eyebrow cocked slightly I looked at him, "you're not going to freak out for being late to class?"

"No. Why would I?"

"Tanner you flipped out because I didn't get here fast enough and now we're late for class, and you're telling me you don't care?"

"Something like that." I just shook my head and turned my head back to my locker.

"I don't know what to do with you." As I pulled my locker open the tardy bell rang out, and I sighed throwing my bag inside and pulling out a notebook a pencil.

"You won't need that." I looked over at him and set my stuff back into my locker.

"Well, I do need someone to show me where all of my classes are," I said looking up at him from my schedule.

He smiled at me and pulled my hand taking me to the English class which was room 357 the teachers name was Mrs. Wade. We walked in and I stopped laughing as I looked at the class, who was now staring at me.

I felt a tug on my hand and Tanner pulled me over to the teachers desk. "Mrs. Wade, this is Sarah our new student." I looked at the women who seemed to be in her early thirties, she had a wedding band on and her long black hair was starting to gray.

"Tanner you're late." I smiled as she turned to me, "it's nice to meet you, and welcome to Coleville. Please take a seat." I smiled at her and Tanner pulled me down an aisle.

He sat down behind me and whispered, "ignore the stares, and whispering- I do." As he said that I sat back and listened to Mrs. Wade as I thought of why he would tell me that.

Lunch rolled around and I followed Tanner as he slapped Spencer on the back. They turned around and I looked up at them. "What?"

"Nothing," Spencer said smiling and walking passed me. I turned around as I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder.

"That's Angela." Spencer hugged a small petite girl with pale blonde hair. She smiled as she pulled back, she looked over at Tanner when her eyes sailed down to me then her smile dropped. Brows furrowed I watched as she left Spencer and started towards Tanner and I. I glanced over at Tanner only to see that he was just confused as I was.

I tried to take a step back to adjust myself ready to take her on if I had too, but I couldn't because Tanner held me in place. Tho go you could say I was quite surprised when Angela stopped in front of us and didn't even look at me as she reached up and slapped Tanner right across the face. Astonished I gasped as Tanner reached up to touch his cheek as he looked down at her.

"What the hell was that for!?" Tanner asked rubbing his cheek. I could see Spencer against a locker as he was laughing so hard his face was red, and when he turned around he ran right into someone.

"You know what that was for, you left me with that idiot for almost a month. What the hell is wrong with you!?" She exclaimed as Spence turned back to us sobering up from his laughing parade.

"Hey! That hurt!" Spencer started towards us as I looked at Tanner. He was still rubbing his cheek as I pulled his hand from it to see a red hand print of his face. Eyes wide I turned away before he could see my smile.

"What is it? Is it bad?" He asked as Angela turned to me.

"You must be Sarah, I've heard so much about you."

"All good I hope," I said as she smiled.

"Well, it's good in my book. Especially when you're dealing with him." Angela stuck her finger out pointing to both Tanner, and Spencer.

"Oh, you mean both of them," I said nodding my head. Angela smiled and linked her arm through mine, starting down the hallway.

"I think we're going to be great friends."

After lunch and my sixth period chemistry class with Angela. We stood out in the hall with Tanner, and Spencer as Angela asked me what class I had next.

"Um, I have math with," I pulled my schedule up and looked at the teachers name, "Mr. Dawson."

"Same." I smiled at Tanner as Angela started complaint about not having a partner in English, now.

"Hey you still got me," Spencer said pulling her into him.

"Yeah, but I had you before," Angela responded.

"Yeah and you still got me."

"Exactly." I glared at Tanner as he smiled at at them, his smile faltered.

"Okay well we're going to be late for class. Tanner would you like to show me the way."

"Sure, you just go down his hall, take a right then...."

"Then you go down that hall take a left and two doors down on your left is the math class." I looked between the two boys.

"I thought you were just going to come with me," I said looking up at Tanner.

"We are trying to help you, you little runt!" I took a step back surprised by his outburst.

"I'm not a runt." Tanner's face fell to one of passion, and regret. He sighed and pulled me into him as I smiled and pulled back.

I made sure he could see my smile, as he leaned down to kiss me, the n when he was distracted enough I shoved him away.

"Race you to class." Before he could do anything I took off at a run hearing his footsteps echo out behind me.

RoadtripHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin