Waking Up

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I opened my eyes, and was looking up at the ceiling as I heard the heart monitor next to me. My breathing was shallow, and my chest hurt.

I turned my head, to see that it was dark outside, before falling back to sleep.


I'm exhausted, it's been two weeks since Sarah was emitted into the hospital. She's been falling in and out of consciousness. Her parents got here a couple days ago, I've been here the whole time, not getting much sleep. I'm not going anywhere though, I'm staying here until she wakes up then I guess she's going home.

I know she's not going to want to go home, she's not leaving without a fight for sure. Her parents are going to make her though, they're too worried about her. They don't want to lose her the same way they lost their son.

I sighed leaning my head against the wall as I ran my hands over my face. " Tanner?" I looked up to see a nurse walking towards me, I sat up hoping she had some news about Sarah.

"My name is Melissa. I'm Sarah's nurse, I just came to see if you want to go back and see her." I just nodded my head and started walking forward as she lead me to Sarah's room.

When I got to Sarah's room I walked in to see her parents both sitting on each side of her bed. On entry they both stood up and turned to me walking out the door past me. Sarah's dad stopped putting a hand on my shoulder looking at me, "we'll be down in the cafeteria, call if you need us."

When they were gone I turned back to Sarah seeing that she was still asleep. I walked over to the side of the bed to where I could face the door and I sat down next to her picking up her hand, holding it in mine.


I felt someone squeeze my hand as I tightened my grip on theirs. Opening my eyes I looked up into Tanner's and I smiled.

"Hey," he whispered as I tried to speak. Shaking his head he said, "shh, hey don't talk." Closing my eyes I took slow and even breaths.

"Sarah?" I opened my eyes and looked up at him as he smiled and handed me a cup of water. Holding it for me I tilted my head up and he helped me as I took a drink.

I laid my head back down and curled up on my side hugging Tanner's arm to my chest.

A few minutes had gone by as we sat in silence, when I heard feet shuffling in the doorway. Looking up I saw my parents, eyes wide I immediately sat up.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked pushing myself up against the pillows as if I could get any farther away from them.

I saw hurt reflect in my mom's eyes as she said, "Tanner, can you please give us a minute?" I looked over at him as he nodded his head and stood up.

On instinct, I grabbed his hand pulling him back. He turned to me questioningly, as I looked to my parents. "I want him to stay." Alarm flashed in Tanner's eyes as he looked to my parents.

My dad put his hand on my mom's shoulder, trying to calm her down as her face turned a light shade of red.
" it's okay honey," he said as he looked back to Tanner, and nodded his head.

Tanner let out a sigh and sat back down in the chair next to me as I held onto his hand. My mom then walked over to my bed and grabbed my other hand looking into my eyes.

"Come home, honey." Brows furrowed I looked to my dad, but he just smiled and looked down at the floor.

Finding no answers there I shook my head and turned back to my mom, "I'm not coming home. Not now anyway, I just want to be left alone. I want to forget."

Roadtripजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें