Treasure hunt

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Opening my eyes the next morning I could see the sunlight coming in through the the windows across the room and I heard birds chirping. I felt a hand tighten around me and that's when I felt the lean body behind me. My eyes widened at first, but then last night came crashing back to me.

I turned over onto my other side trying not to wake Tanner, when I was facing him I watched as his chest rose and fell with each breath he took, and how his lips looked so soft, or how his hair was all tousled and mused. I smiled and thought that I was just so great-full to have met him in that diner, for his friends for changing his alarm and taking his stuff, and how he had the balls to come up to me.

I was still smiling when his eyes opened, when the sunlight hit his eyes his pupils shrank, and the caramel color of his eyes popped. He just laid there and watched me, not saying anything, then he started moving in I met him half way, and gasped when our lips touched, his were so soft and smooth he swiped his tongue on my bottom lip but before I could accept him there was a loud knock on the door as I pulled back from him I looked up and over at the door that was so far away I was going to just ignore it, but when I saw a piece of paper slip underneath the door I became intrigued.

I tossed the comforter aside getting up I walked over to the door and opened it but whoever slipped the paper under the door was gone. Sighing I looked down at the paper but when I picked it up it wasn't just a piece of paper it was a map. I closed the door and turned around walking back towards the bed, opening up the map on the way.

"What is that?" Tanner asked trying to look at the map over my shoulder.

"I don't know. It seems to be some kind of map." I said just as I got an idea, looking over at him with an evil smile on my face I asked him, "want to take a little field trip?"

He looked up at me from the map. "You mean you want to follow this map?" He asked taking it out of my hands.

"Yeah why not?" I said amusedly as I stood up walking over to my bag, picking it up I took it into the bathroom to change.

"Because someone could be trying to lead us out into the middle of the woods to kill us." I heard him say through the closed door.

Looking into the mirror I was wearing dark blue skinny jeans, with my Mickey mouse sweater. Brushing my hair out I straightened it real quickly and opened the door, walking out I grabbed my shoes. Looking around I didn't see Tanner anywhere so as I tied my shoes I jumped off the bed and went downstairs.

Walking down the hall that we went down the first time. I saw a little room off to the right, walking in I saw Tanner his back turned to me as he sat in front of a plate full of food and a tv broadcasting the news. I walked up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder as I walked past him to the breakfast bar.

Grabbing a plate I walked down the line getting some bacon and sausage, and getting a bagel, I went over to the table setting my plate down, turning back to the breakfast bar I went over and got a cup of Orange juice.

Sitting down in front of him I looked at his bowl of oatmeal, and the empty plate next to him, laughing I looked up at him, he stopped chewing and looked at me all confused.

"Someones hungry." I said as he swallowed and a light dust of pink appeared on his cheeks.

"Well I was upstairs, taking care of you all day yesterday so I earned it." He said as he shoveled another spoonfull of oatmeal Into his mouth.

I shook my head as I took a bite out of my bagel. "Hey I didn't tell you that you had to take care of me. Actually you could have taken the Jeep and just left me here."

"Now why would I do that? Your my girlfriend." As soon as he said that I felt uncomfortable, he must have noticed because he put his spoon down and took my hand. "What's wrong?" He asked, I could hear the concern in his voice.

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