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A/N: I am so sorry that it took so long to update. So I hope that this part is worth the wait. 

Please tell me what you think. 


Y/N jogged down the steps of the watch tower, furiously wiping away her tears as she went. She didn't want anyone to see her like this; so she settled for walking the fence. Since she'd arrived walking the fence had become a way for her to take her anger and frustrations out in a way that is beneficial to the group. Though once she reached the fence she didn't unsheathe her knife, instead she sat in the grass a few feet from the fence and just watched the walkers mull around the perimeter.

It was only then that she let herself cry.


Daryl had been preparing his bike for a run when he saw her jog out onto the prison yard. He watched her near the fence and sit. Daryl hesitated to approach her, not wanting to invade her privacy but he wanted to comfort her in any way possible.

"You okay?" Daryl asked Y/N, joining her in the grass.

She shook her head.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Y/N shrugged, placing her chin on her knees.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Daryl explained, "But I've found that talking to someone helps."

Daryl had started to get up but stopped when he felt Y/N's fingers wrap around his wrist. He sat back down and waited silently for her to begin talking; it's her story to tell and he's not going to push her.

"I loved him. I was ready to spend the rest of my life with him." Y/N explained, wiping away the tears rolling down her cheeks. "The entire time I was gone I didn't stop thinking about how he must be feeing; if he was trying to find me, or if I was ever going to see him again. But now, I can see that I didn't mean as much to him as he did to me."

"That's not true." Daryl argued. "He went crazy trying to find you. Nearly drove himself into the ground trying. So I can tell you he loved you, maybe he still does..."

"I doubt it." Y/N interrupted.

"Maybe you're right, but there's got to be someone in this fucked up world that will love you like he did." After the words fell past his lips Daryl froze, hoping that she hadn't caught the underlying meaning.

Y/N scoffed. "If you say so Dixon. If you say so."


Daryl sat in the watch tower, nearly asleep when the heavy metal door creaked open and someone joined him in the small space. He thought it was either Carol telling him it was time for a shift change or Y/N coming to him and asking to talk. Though he wasn't expecting to hear Glenn's voice when the door snapped closed.

"Can I ask you something?" The smaller man asked, nerves eating away at his voice. Daryl didn't say anything, instead he simply nodded; not taking his eyes off the window.

"Is Y/N okay?"

Daryl froze for a moment, the question shocking him. He honestly thought that Glenn didn't care about her anymore; not with the way he had been ignoring her recently. Daryl thought about how he was going to answer him, if he was going to answer him at all.

"Honestly, no." Daryl told him, not giving him the pleasure of sugarcoating it. "But would you expect her to be after finding out that her fiancé is with another woman?"

With that comment, anger flashed behind Glenn's eyes. "I thought she was dead!" he exclaimed, trying to keep the anger out of his voice.

Daryl rolled his eyes, not believing Glenn's excuses. "You thought she was dead so you go and fuck the nearest thing with a vagina and a pulse? That's the shitiest way of grieving I've ever heard."

"You can't tell me how to grieve until you believe the woman you love is dead!" Glenn yelled back with such ferocity that Daryl was surprised those in the yard couldn't hear him.

"I did love her, I still do." Daryl admitted, "But I didn't do a damn thing because I knew she was with you."

Upon hearing his confession Glenn froze. He didn't know what to say about that; but what does someone say when they find out one of their good friends is in love with your fiancée, or ex-fiancée? So Glenn did the only thing he could think of, he swung at the redneck. Glenn's fist connected with Daryl cheek, catching him off guard and causing him to stagger back a few steps. Daryl, in return, swung back his fist connecting with Glenn's nose.

"Why are you so pissed about it?" Daryl said through his teeth.

"Because Y/N is my fiancée."

"No she's not. Not anymore." After the last word left his mouth Daryl picked up his cross bow, shouldered his way past Glenn, and out to the yard.


The next morning when Y/N came down for breakfast she was shocked to see that both Daryl and Glenn had bruises blooming on their faces accompanied by slight bruising on their knuckles. She had an idea about what had happened between the two of them, but she wanted to know why. So she approached Daryl and slid onto the bench across from him.

"What happened?" She asked skipping to the point.

"He didn't like something I told him so he swung." Y/N was surprised to hear him say it she was certain that Daryl had swung first, because the Glenn she knew wouldn't do something like that. But people have changed and she was beginning to think that Glenn wasn't the same guy she knew all those years ago.

"What did you say." She questioned, searching his bright blue eyes for her answer; knowing that he probably wasn't going to tell her.

"It was nothing." He exclaimed.

"It was obviously something." She paused and placed her chin in her hand, showing him that she wasn't going anywhere until he told her. "Tell me. Please."

"I love you."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2016 ⏰

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