Chapter 3

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*Autumn's POV*

I have been dreading a talk with Shawn but he keeps ignoring me and I'm fucking tired of it. he won't even say hi or bye anymore.

That girl on the bus the other day, with the French tips, blonde hair, caked with makeup, that girl. Yeah well she won't stop messing with Shawn, at least I think so.

She's a bitch and I can't deal with her.

But i can.

I'm at a playground, watching my 5 year old sister play on the monkey bars. I'm sitting on the swing set when i see a girl with blonde hair and light brown eyes sit on the swing next to me.

We sit in silence for a little bit, just listening to the wind whistling by and my sister laughing at something she said to herself.

"I'm Ali," the girl finally says, reaching out her hand.

i take it and look at her, "Autumn." She's got round cheeks and a plump bottom lip. Almond eyes and a white toothed smile. No make-up. Very pretty if you ask me.

"I know," she responds. "I've seen you around school, you're kind of quiet. But not the weird kind."

"Thanks, i guess," i stifle an awkward chuckle.

Then, silence.

"I didn't know you went to my school. And i'm observant so that's nearly impossible. How long you been going there?"

She hesitates. "Almost my whole life."

"Oh, that's nice."


Alex, my little sister, calls my name. "Yes, sweetheart?"

She looks at me from across the playground. "i wanna go home."

"Alright, A. Let's go then." I get up and nod at Ali. "It was nice to meet you. See you around?"

She just nods, gets up, and walks away.

i keep looking at her, watching her. She walks to a black jeep and gets in on the passenger side. Then they drive by me and Alex and i swear, i swear i see somebody that looks almost exactly like Shawn driving, looking at me.

i shake it off. The windows are tinted, could be anybody else.

I get home and see my brother, Austin, sitting on the couch. It's late so i put Alex to bed. I kiss her on the cheek and tell her how much i love her. "Goodnight, A. Sweet dreams."

I sit next to Austin, who has his nose stuck to his phone. The remote is sitting in between us so i grab it and start flicking through the channels.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Austin glares at me.

"i'm looking for something to watch." i respond with a sigh.

"Well i was watching that so turn it back before i throw my phone at you."

"Whatever." i roll my eyes and get up. I'm right at the door to my room when he says something i will never forget.

"Shawn has a girlfriend."

"what did you just say?"

"Look at his instagram and you'll find out." sarcasm is probably his best feature and that's being generous.

"Don't be a smart ass." Despite the anger boiling up inside of me, i still open instagram. i don't even have to click the search bar, it's right there in front of me. Shawn. In a black jeep. Kissing a girls cheek. Kissing Ali's cheek. The girl from the park.

Three Empty Words (S.M.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora