Chapter 2: Becoming a Half Breed

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Luna and Jinx decided they were taking me out tonight. It was my first semester back at
college since I had my daughter. They were on a mission to make sure that I a great first night
out, so we decided to go to the Chi Sigma party. I got dressed in a tight black skirt, a black shirt
that was see-through except for two velvet pockets placed strategically over my boobs, a black
lacy plunge bra, and black and silver heels. I did a Smokey eye with some silver and blue
shadow, did my eyeliner, some mascara, and a dark red lip. I finished the look with some silver
hoop earrings and a multi-chain neckless. I pulled my hair out of its ponytail to let it be its crazy
free self. Once I was done getting dolled up, I hopped into my little blue escort and was off to
get the girls. We got to the party at about 8:30 pm, and it was in full swing.
The frat house was a large white house with a large wooden porch in the front. People
were scattered all over the porch and the yard drinking. Somewhere even making out in the dark
corners. The night was semi-cool since a cool front had come in earlier in the week, this was why
there were so many people outside enjoying the night air. Usually, in Texas, everyone is trying to
avoid being outside for fear of melting like the wicked witch of the west when the water got
poured on her. We entered the party and saw the epicenter was the living room and kitchen. In
the middle of the living room, people were dancing and, in the kitchen, where the drinks where
located I could hear guys chanting “chug, chug, chug.” It was a typical frat party, and it was
going strong. Almost right away as I stepped into the living room, I could feel something was
wrong. I told Luna and Jinx that I had a bad feeling that I could smell something strange. They
laughed and told me to relax.
"Go get a drink, flirt with some hot guy, and have fun," Luna said as Jinx shook her head
in agreement.
I grinned, "Yeah, your right. I'm just over-cautious."
I made my way to the keg, which was sitting in the dining room area in a large trash can of ice. It
was a keg of Bud Light, not my favorite but it would do, I'm more of a Dos Equis or Corona girl.
I approached the keg reaching for the spout when a commotion in the living room caught my
attention for a second. I looked up as I was still reaching for the spout, another hand reaching for
the spout grabbed mine.
I jumped, pulling my hand back quickly. I looked up, and a tall, dark-haired, gorgeous
man stood in front of me. His eyes were a brilliant mesmerizing green, so green you could get
lost in them like a rolling green knoll. As I broke from his gaze, I saw that he was around 6'4" with olive tan skin, massive arms, and a board chest that I would fit on just right. He smiled a
devilish grin which snapped me out of my daydream of what I could do with this tall drink of
water. That's when I could smell that strange smell from when I walked in, and it was much
stronger now. I wasn't sure what it was, but all the hair stood up on the back of my neck.
"Hello," The guy that was standing in front of me said.
“Are you getting a drink?”
"Yes, sorry about trying to grab the spout at the same time," I said sheepishly.
"No worries, give me your glass."
I handed him my glass, and he filled it, then handed it back to me.
"Thank You," I said and then walked away.
I found the girls and I was telling them about that smell.
“Who’s that guy over there staring at you?" Luna asked.
I turned and looked across the room, and it was the guy I had just met at the keg.
“I don't know. I met him at the keg. We both reached for the spout at the same time and
grabbed each other’s hands."
Luna and Jinx giggled as Luna said, “Well, you must have left an impression on him
because he is staring at you like he could devour you whole."
We kept talking and checking out the people when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned
and looked over my shoulder to see who it was. At that moment, he let that hand run down my
spine until it landed in the small of my back where it fit like it was made to fit there. There is just
something about a guy’s hand resting on the small of my back that’s such a turn on. As this
thought ran through my mind, a little shiver ran across my body from his gesture.
He put his mouth to my ear and whispered, “My name is Marquis."
I turned, with a slightly wicked grin and said, “My name..."
“Zura," he said.
I look at him startled.
"I asked around," he said, smiling.

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