Kidnapped and Tortured by a stranger- part 16

Start from the beginning

" I wasent going to just come out with it! oh iv'e been kidnapped by a psychotic freak that now in love with.." I whispered the last part ashamed

" I seriously thought you were dead scarlett, this is no time for lying!" she said through teeth

"No more lies , you know that now"

"How did you get that kid!?, because you know that I'll be calling you the stupid psychotic girl that got knocked up at such a young age!" she shouted tears just waiting to spill out her eyes and I quickly knew she was going to break down and moment so I hugged her tightly in my arms before she fell to the floor in shock.

"Its okay , everything is going to be okay.."

She buried her face in my neck , sobbing uncontrolably

"Don't ever scare me like that again" her words were muffled as I felt the warm tears roll down to shoulder which made me shudder.

"I wont " with that we seperated , everything inside of me felt very guilty for not telling her the truth and she had to figure this out for herself and my heart went out to her, what friend am I?  a horrible one..

"Wanna come back to my place? " she wiped her eyes but nodded , following me to the car

"But at least can I drive? ya know to keep my mind off things"

"Of course"  I smiled throwing her the keys and we got in , driving off

Tasha parked outside , my eyes scanned over to the front door where max stood with lily in his arms staring at both of us , with a glint of sadness?

"Whats his problem??"  she murmered looking my way confused

"No clue " I said getting out and carefully walked over

"What? , your staring ya know? " I snarled , he said nothing only glared at tasha

"Stop staring....max" she said now behined me , looking over my shoulder , it looked like she regretted ever saying his name , what was going on??

"I'm guessing you know eachother" I asked

He coughed putting his head down "Sort of.."

"Scarlett, I dint know what I was doing! he just looked so depressed!"

What was she trying to say??

"We slept together..." he finished

Thats when everything closed in around me , I couldent breathe...

"When?.." In fact I didnt want to ask that because I didn't care

Quickly my brother came out noticing something was wrong "Whats going on? "

Tears poured down my face

" But thats when we were apart for a while , its not like I cheated on you" he sadly said

"Thats not the point!! , the point is that you slept with my best friend and you both wanted it!!" I yelled . Will's eyes narrowed in anger and quickly grabbed Lily "You don't even deserve to be loved because all you do is break thier hearts"

But max only rolled his eyes not caring about my brothers response , only looking at me.

" I'm sorry " he quietly said , but suddenly Tasha grabbed my arm about to say something but I turned around and shoved her hard

"Don't you dare!! , who has some explaining to do now?"

With that me and my  brother walked inside the house without saying another word . Sliding down the door I hugged myself , it was like I was sitting through my boyfriends funeral all over again , feeling sick and numb inside  , lewis....

Will sadly stared at me wondering what to probably do next , 2 years ago he did the same thing , just waiting for my pain to pass so he wouldent be crying himself with me If I was sobbing my heart out .

"You okay scar?" 

I looked up trying to smile and nod but failed badly and shook my head instead so will set lily on the ground and quickly crawled over cuddeling me with everything he had.

"I hate him will ,I hate him so much" I sobbed

" Me too " he whispered calmly stroking my hair . It was true , my life was a train wreck ,  it always was...


I stared up at the cieling , my eyes burned from crying for hours on my brothers lap , what fool takes guys back to think your going to have a happy ending ? true fact: you never do that was me , not anymore . A hand touched mine making me look , lewis sat there giving his kind smile like he always used to do.

"Hi lewis , i'm stupid...for falling in love with him , and for talking to a guy thats not really here" I said.God I really wish you were here to hold me and say everythings okay...

He just stared  " I am really here scarlett " he smiled widely

For a second my heart skipped a beat as I sat up on the bed looking shocked and suprised , this wasent a dream? his hand touched my cheek , leaning in as our lips met softly , sparks flew up inside my body , my heart wasent numb anymore as we cuddled  and watched he world go by.

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