Chapter 3:

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As soon as Leon saw my mom rushing downstairs he got surprised. I could see that much by his expression.
When I came down he gave me a look that said 'Whats going on?'
I gave him a look saying 'Dont know' then said,
"Leon you need to come with is."
He looked even more surprised,
"Why?" he asked.
"Seriously man, I don't know." I replied.
"Chris and....and Leon you are not safe." Mom explained "You need to come with me."
"But....."  I began but Mom stopped me by raising her hand.
"Chris, please, Just.... Don't ask me anything"  Mom urged.
We went hurriedly into the car. 
I thought about how Leon might be feeling. He got into this because of me and now we were going somewhere we didn't know.
"Mom, what are you not telling me?" I asked.
"Chris,  Leon you are in great danger, both of I you."  she said
"You need to go to Camp Half-Blood."  she said instead of answering my question.
"Camp sounds cool"  I said, "But what's up with Half-Blood?" I asked.
None of the answers seemed to make sense to me. Leon who was sitting quietly behind said,
"Miss Max, why do we have to go to A camp for safety.  That's the lamest logic I've ever heard in my life"
For once Leon was right.
"Just sit down and stay quiet, please"  Mom said. That was the end of the conversation.
We drove for at least 4 hours without any talking. But I started the topic again.
"Mom what's going on. Both of us needs some answers."  I said hoping mom would tell me.
"Chris... This...this is about your father." Mom said she was on the verge of tears. The answer surprised me. My dad? The punk who left us before I was even born?
"And me?" Leon asked bleakly
"If I'm right,"  Mom said " This is also about your father."
Mom sounded pretty sure even though she didn't know anything about Leon or his dad.
" dad?" Leon said dazed, " But he's dead"
"Mmm" Mom muttered.
As we were driving I noticed hearing some heavy steps like an......
Now that I thanked about it I noticed that I had been hearing it for quite some time but no one else heard it.  It was probably my imagination due to the weird things that had happened during the day. The sun had set.
Suddenly mom stopped the car.
"This is the boundary line," she said,  " I'm sorry but now you're on your own."
The words barely left her mouth when we heard a roar. We turned around and came face to face with a Giant Lion.

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