Sick And Tired- Or Maybe Just Tired

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Sick And Tired- Or Maybe Just Tired

Sometimes I feel tired

Tired of all the bullshit

And the non-existent fantasies

Tired of chasing

That I just wanna stop

It's hard to continue to believe

When all you feel is grieve

So I start to feel sick of everything

Sick of the world

I can't always be brave

Can't always hold one smile

Sometimes I tend to break

And I can't do anything to stop that

Sometimes I want the world to stop

I want time to freeze

So I won't have to do anything

Just for a moment

Just for a tiny moment

I feel tired of living

Tired of breathing

Tired of all the pressure of the universe

And I just kinda....


A n d


But I can't ever stop the feeling

Cause it's something sent from the heart

A message giving us lost hope

And sometimes

I send the message straight to spam

And I continue on

The hardest times are always the most tiresome

The working moments are the times I look back

And I saw a time where I wasn't tired

Where I was just simply


Something I haven't done in a while

A long while

So I break down

And cry

And shout

And yell

I let it all out

But sometimes even in the most crucial moments of life

I don't feel this way

I just simply feel

T. I. R. E. D.

{Torn apart

Inside- never



Done }

And sometimes

All I want is a nap

Cause I'm just simply, tired


You told me to be fine

{But I didn't know the definition of fine}

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