As I searched for my own, a thought travelled into my head. I'm definitely going to regret this in the morning.


Scarlett’s POV

Whilst the devil was dancing in circles on my left shoulder, the angel on my right was shaking its head in disappointment at me. As I came down from my high, I realized what just occurred.

I just had sex with James.

Burying my face in my hands, I couldn't get the image of him manoeuvering on top of me and placing kisses in all the right places. The feeling of his large hands roaming across my body with adept ease seemed to be imprinted on my skin and the scent of his cologne slowly depleting to that terrible scent of sex now lingered in the air. I had to get out of this room, because he was all I could think about.

What makes things even worse was the fact that James and I were completely sober. I can't use the excuse of being drunk to validate the reason why I had sex with the person I consider to be the bane of my existence. Rummaging around in the sheets, I located my clothes and got dressed. I’d have to explain to Seth that I could no longer stay the night, because the last thing I wanted was to sleep in this now dirty bed. I highly doubt Seth would appreciate me burning his linen, let alone his guest bed.

Or his entire guest room. 

"Have you seen my belt?" James asks while pulling on his pants, his eyes scanning around the room.

"Nope, but here’s your shirt," I said, tossing his shirt over my shoulder.

Just as I opened the door to leave, James called out my name. "Scarlett?"


"I’m the best you’ve ever had," He winks, a smug grin plastered across his face. I slammed the bedroom door behind me. 

Right now all I wanted was to be far away from this place. It's only my third day here in LA, meaning there was a high possibility that I'd have to see James some time soon. It's times like these when I really wish that I enjoyed drinking alcohol. It's not like I can't hold it down or anything, I just don't enjoy the taste or the feeling of what it does to you. Or the hangovers the day after, for that matter.

Making my way back down to the party, I retreated to a reclining outdoor chair situated between two palm trees. On my way over, I grabbed a giant bowl of potato chips. I figured that since I wasn't planning on getting drunk, putting on a few kilos wouldn't be a bad alternative.

"Mind if I join you?" 

"Go right  ahead," I mumbled, not bothering to look at who was speaking to me. All I know was that voice didn't belong to James, and that was enough for me. 

"Scarlett, right?" The man says.

"Oh hey!" I grinned, perking up a bit as I realized it was Jay Baruchel.

"You looked like you needed a friend," He explains, reaching into the bowl of potato chips and scooping out a handful of them.

"So you decided to come over and steal my potato chips?" I joked. 

Throwing his head back in laughter, he raised his hands in the air. "You got me," Jay chuckled, "So what's bothering you?"

"I just let him get to me, that's all," I said, not elaborating any further. Jay understood who I was referring to and nodded understandingly, "Bad history?"

"Yeah...we dated for a while. Didn't end well, you know the deal.," I sighed. Jay nodded sympathetically, "All too well. Relationships suck." 

When neither of us elaborated any further, I sat up and crossed my legs, motioning for him to sit across from me, with the bowl situated between us. "So, Seth mentioned you're a musician didn't he? What kind of music do you like?" He queries.

"I listen to just about everything. The Cure, Led Zeppelin, Bob Dylan, The Stooges, Wu-Tang Clan, Biggie, Nirvana just to name a few all time favourites. When I'm on tour, I get given a lot of demos or EPs by aspiring musicians, and I listen to every single one of those. A lot of it is very obscure but I enjoy it so much I put it on my ipod," I laughed. "Yourself?"

"Great taste, but please tell me you've got some Joy Division and My Bloody Valentine on there?" Jay asks, closing his eyes as if he was bracing for a horrible response. "Don't worry, I do. 'Loveless' is one of my all-time favourite albums."

"No way!" Jay exclaims excitedly, before rambling off about his favourite bands. Turns out we have the same taste. After chatting about various things with Jay, we realized that just a few hours slipped by and the number of party guests was diminishing. "I should probably get going," Jay announced, checking the time on his phone. I stood up and pulled him into a hug, "Thanks for cheering me up.

"No problem," He smiled, "See you around!"

"You too," I smiled.

On second thoughts, this night wasn't so bad.

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