Part 1 - A Friend

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There was a boy named Kyle, an 11 year old boy that always got good grades but is a lonely person. He went to the canteen and he saw his teachers there talking about something. He then interrupted them "Good Morning teachers." one of the teachers then said "Oh, you're Kyle right? I have a request for you." Kyle answered "Yes, What is it?" one of the teachers then answered "Well, can you make a bird house and the due is tomorrow, Okay?, Bye Kyle!" the teachers then run away hurriedly Kyle then said "B-but w-well okay then...". Bratbac, the only friend of Kyle but Kyle only talked to him for a small amount of time because Bratbac always gets called by one of his teachers for something important. They then meet and Kyle explained everything about the bird house his teachers requested him Bratbac then say "Well maybe I ca- oh wait sorry dude I have to go BRB". Kyle then worked on the bird house but is making small progress but then he was glad and overjoyed when he met Bratbac again on the due day of the bird house. Bratbac surprised him with a nice and neat bird house he made he then said "Hey dude, even though I didn't get to talk to you I can still help, now here my adviser is calling me BRB". He then accepted his offer and the teachers were so happy with it. When Kyle got to school he saw his teachers in a locked room. He felt betrayed when he saw the teachers burn the bird house down because they didn't win the contest. Bratbac saw the same thing and comforted Kyle, he then said "Hey, don't worry I am sure you can do a better bird house than mine, oh no sorry again dude I need to go BRB." but Kyle moved on and days went by. Kyle got to his house and he thought to himself about Bratbac.

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