Chapter Fifteen; Lyra✨

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"It's corny but I heard that muggles do it and I wanted to try it. It's a new thing. Come on open them." Sirius says as he hands me and Harry boxes wrapped in gold paper.

"Sirius, it's Christmas EVE." I say rolling my eyes and taking the package anyway.

"I didn't get many presents at the Dursley's I am going to take every opportunity to open them." Harry says ripping the paper.

I open mine and face a pair of flannel pajama pants with the Gryffindor symbol on a red shirt. Harry has the same and I can't help but laugh.

"Yes, Sirius, this IS what muggles do." I say trying not to burst out laughing.

Harry looks into my box and down at his and laughs. Soon we are clutching our stomachs laughing as we change into the pajamas in the living room.

"Sirius is just so absurd isnt he?" I say, trying to break the awkwardness and starting a conversation.

"Well I can see where you get it from," he teases. "It must just be genetics at this point."

"Oh my," Remus says apparating into the kitchen with packages with all types of wrapping paper.

"Wait wait wait!" Tonks says. "Pictures!"

Harry and I pose like we are actually siblings, enjoying each other. We switch glasses, make goofy faces, smile and make crazy hand gestures. We pull out our wands and even though nobody would ever admit it, everyone gets nervous around me. Sirius stands in between us and we take even more pictures until Tonks has piles of Polaroids.

I step to the side to see Harry and Sirius laughing; Remus says they look exactly like James and him, except that Harry has Lily's eyes. I let Tonks take their picture and then she tells me to take some with Sirius.

"No it's okay," I say, not wanting to take away any time from Sirius and Harry.

It was selfish of me to try and take him away from his family. I don't know why I chose to lie to him, after everything the two of us have worked on the last few weeks. He has become my brother, there's no question about it. Although we might have different meanings in life, we are both one in the same.

I fight the jealousy down, knowing that there's nothing to be jealous about, and eventually end up taking some pictures alone with Sirius. We all sit at the table as Remus leaves the packages in the living room and pulls out the food he made earlier.

"Remus I don't know how you can make all of this, it's so good." I say clearing off my plate and placing it in the sink. "The cake is definitely my favorite."

"I love chocolate cake." My father adds.

"I like anything." Tonks says growing a pig nose.

"That's because there is a very tiny human in you and they require food." I tease.

"A...a what?" Sirius says looking at Tonks and Remus.

"You didn't tell him?" Tonks asks Lupin.

"I thought you would, you two are related." Remus says.

"You're his best friend!"

"You two are related?" Harry and I ask at the same time.

"You got my cousin pregnant!" Sirius says suddenly angry. "She's practically the sister I never had you son of a bitch!"

"Sirius...?" Remus says standing.

Sirius storms to Lupin and shoves chairs out of the way.

"Sirius!" I exclaim. "What's gotten in to you?"

"Sirius I thought that you were supportive of us?" Remus says putting up his hands defensively.

"!" Sirius continues.

The two come chest to chest and then suddenly Sirius raises his hands and Harry steps forward while Tonks pulls out her wand. Sirius claps his arms around Remus and they hug and start laughing hysterically. The two of them look so young in the moment, so carefree. I want to hold on to this moment, my father and my godfather, teenagers once again.

"We had you!" Remus says pointing to Tonks. "I love you, sweetheart, I really do."

"You bastards I hate you all!" Tonks says embracing the two of them, laughing.

I clutch my chest in relief and let out a breath and a laugh while Harry slumps into a chair.

"Did you know?" I ask him.

"I wish. I about had a bloody heart attack." he replies.

"If only James were here." Sirius says clapping a hand on Harry's shoulder.

If only

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If only.

I say my goodnights and go up to my bedroom only to find this is where Harry's trunk is. His clothes are strewn across the floor and I roll my eyes. Whatever, I'll go somewhere else. I close the door and make my way back down to a guest bedroom — Tonks and Remus have obviously been staying here.

I turn to go to the linen closet and take some extra bedding to the living room. I'm too nervous to stay in my Black grandparents bedroom, especially after the events of last year.  Since returning the dress and shoes, I haven't heard Walburga speak to me within the house.

"Have my bedroom." Sirius says stopping me as I throw a sheet over the top of the couch.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"My two children, it'll be like you're really siblings."

I want to ask him if he truly thinks that Harry and I are siblings. Does he see what he wants to see? The two of us getting along so well? He doesn't see the constant fights, the power struggle between us, only the two of us getting along?

Whatever makes it better for him. Harry and I are young, within a few years when Voldemort is defeated, I can stop whatever it is that I have going on with Draco, I can tell Sirius all about Fred and I, whatever we are, and I will take a job in the adult work, we will be better.

"Goodnight, darling. I love you. Happy Christmas." Sirius says kissing my forehead and ruffling my hair.

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