Chapter 1:Whats So Wrong??????

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ok, i have to addmit that im not the best.But heres my story

           coming home on a wonderful,blue sky,with the birds singing. It will just make you want to dance!!!! Where I live is a little nieghboor back away in the woods. It is the best little town(we'll to me)... all my best friends are thereWhat can be soo wrong.... anyway my nieghboor hood is the best little nieghboor hood EVER... But no one know where it came from or who evan found it. It has been there for about 17 centuries now or so........Well im going to go ahead and get to my story.......

           1789,young girls just trying to have some fun.They say if you have bad karmia then the witch of the west will boil you for her dinner and you will be her slave untill she gets tired of you or you try to escape.Thats why every one is always good, but the "bad boys" dont think that. They only believe the "kewlness" is what they say...

     walking home i saw this guy dressed in black and a black hat and red belt with a tatto on his arm that looks like a dragon with blood all around it and he was singing a wierd song that goes like......the lord is my weapon and i see him shoot pawns women is a devil sacra for ur freedom or die by the law..... all i know is it was really wierd and the first thing that came to my mind was is he a secret bad boy because every time i see the "bad boys" i never see that face or black shade... so i just look to the ground and try to ignore him ,but when i was walking by him he grabed my arm and told me to meet him at midnight and dont bring no one else with you ....... then thats when i saw the gun in his pocket................

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