Talking to Addison

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Aaron POV
I went and talked to Addison.
Aaron: I'm ever so sorry for saying bad stuff about you
Addison: thanks b- Aaron
Aaron: me,youandthebaby.
Addison: what about youmeandthebaby
Aaron: I'm saying, I love you. I have since we where best mates as children. I was dating Rob cause he's the closest thing to you.
Addison: you're saying you love me. Confession time: I love you too.
Aaron: don't lie
Addison: I'm not boo
Aaron: im not your boo
Addison: I thought you loved me
Aaron: i lied
Addison: GREAT
Aaron: I meant i will help you
Addison: thank you
Aaron: but I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?
Addison: sure

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